Call for 2024 HUPO Award nominations

The 2024 Call for HUPO Awards Nominations is closed. 

If you have any questions please contact

2024 HUPO Award categorieS


Prize:  $3000 USD to attend HUPO 2024

Recognizes a scientist for a single significant discovery in the field of proteomics.  This award spans the career of a scientist and can be recognized at any time of the career.


Organized by the Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee

Prize:  $2000 USD to attend HUPO 2024

This career achievement award is designed to recognize early career researchers who have had an exceptional impact on the proteomics field and community early in their career.  NOTE:   Open to HUPO members who have accumulated at most 5 years after their Ph.D. defense, by the submission deadline.  Ph.D. career interruptions and leaves, such as parental leave, will be taken into account with provided evidence to extend the eligibility period. 


Prize:  $3000 USD to attend HUPO 2024

Recognizes a scientist with a sustained or significant effort in the field of clinical and translational proteomics.


Sponsored by the HUPO Industrial Advisory Board

Prize:  $3000 USD to attend HUPO 2024

Recognizes an individual or team in private industry for the commercialization or (not necessarily) the invention of products, technologies or procedures which had the demonstrated effect in enabling proteome researchers to advance their science.  Nomination criteria include (but are not limited to) the following (see nomination details/requirements below or contact for further details):

  1. Technology is applicable to the field of proteomics
  2. Technology is well established and has resulted in a product (e.g. proven commercial product)
  3. Company nomination not limited to HUPO only members and has a product of significance

IAB member companies or companies supporting the HUPO organization are encouraged to nominate eligible individuals or teams from their ranks.


Sponsored by the Journal of Proteome Research (ACS Publications)

Prize:  $3000 USD to attend HUPO 2024

Recognizes a scientist for distinguished scientific achievements that have advanced the field of proteomic science.

Nomination Requirements 

You are invited to nominate HUPO award candidates!  Complete the NOMINATION FORM here.

Nomination Deadline:   May 10, 2024 - 11:59 pm GMT (London)

Nomination Requirements:

  • Self nominations are not accepted except for the Rising Star Award. 
  • A nominee must be an active (paid) member of HUPO to be nominated and receive an award.
  • Nominees should be currently active in proteomics, except in the rare case of an "inspiring historical" figure.
  • All information must be included in the online nomination form.
  • Awards will be presented at the 2024 HUPO World Congress which will be held in Dresden, Germany from October 20 - 24, 2024.
  • Award recipients are required to attend the Congress;  the congress registration fee will be waived. The monetary portion of the award is intended to be used as travel support; no other travel support will be provided. 

If your nominee is not awarded this year, the nomination may carry forward to future years. Prior to re-submitting your previous nominations you will be contacted to see if you'd like to update the information. 

You will require the following information to submit a nomination:

  • Nominator Details (Name, Email, Organization).
  • Nominee Details (Name, Gender, Email, HUPO Membership Details, Organization).
  • Reason for Nomination (e.g. significant achievements, honors awarded to the nominee, mentioned in career-best publications, etc.). Questions will vary dependent on each award category.

Science & Technology nominations require the above information as well as the following:

  • A description of the technology or innovation.
  • A description of the technology's novelty and commercial impact on the field of proteomics.
  • The specific area of proteomics relevant to the technology [e.g. sample preparation methods, separation technologies, protein characterization, protein identification, proteoform identification (isoforms and post translational modifications, protein sequencing and related processing and analysis software, sample collection, complementary proteomics approaches/combined proteomics technologies, protein biomarkers clinical translation, high throughput proteomics, large scale proteomics, proteogenomics and omics integration, etc.]
  • Example insights that the technology has brought to the selected field of proteomics.
  • If the technology has been published in peer-reviewed journals; number of publications and citations.
  • How the technology has been commercialized in a market proven product [e.g. time on market, approximate sold units, kits or licences, publications by users (not company), etc].
  • How the technology differs from other technologies that already exist.
  • How the innovation or technology was brought to the marketplace.
  • If the technology was developed or executed directly by the person or team who is nominated.

View previous HUPO award recipients here.