ECR poster Competition


The HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee invites all graduate students (Master and PhD) and postdocs to participate in the poster competition at HUPO 2024 in Dresden, Germany to win awards along with cash prizes. To participate, graduate students and postdocs only need to indicate during the abstract submission whether they would like to participate in the competition.

Fifteen posters in each trainee category (graduate students and postdocs) will be pre-selected based on the quality, novelty and potential impact of submitted abstracts. Posters will be visited by evaluators during the poster sessions at HUPO 2024 to select a winner and runner up for each level (graduate student and postdocs). Award winners will be highlighted during the HUPO 2024 Closing Ceremony & Awards Session.

Eligibility Criteria: All graduate students (Master and PhD) and postdocs can apply for the competition upon abstract submission for HUPO 2024. Applicants must be HUPO and/or EuPA members.

How to Apply: During the abstract submission for HUPO 2024, Master’s students, PhD students, and postdocs must indicate if they want to also participate in the poster competition. For abstracts that will subsequently be selected for short talks, a poster can still be presented ensuring participation in the poster competition.

Selection Criteria: 15 posters in each trainee category (graduate students and postdocs) will be pre-selected based on the quality, novelty and potential impact of submitted abstracts. The selected finalists will be notified July 7, 2024. Posters will be visited by evaluators during the poster sessions at HUPO 2024 to select a winner and two runners up for each level (graduate student and postdocs).

Presenters of selected posters will be notified prior to the conference that their poster will be evaluated during HUPO 2024.

: Awards will be presented during the Closing Ceremony & Awards Session at HUPO 2024.  Cash prizes ($500 for the winner and $300 for the runners up both at the graduate student and postdoc level) will be provided post-congress.

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