
HUPO activities are supported and lead by a number of committees.  Committees are composed of HUPO members and Council members. Members with an interest in serving on a committee are invited to email a letter of interest to HUPO Office.

2024 Awards Judges/Committee

The Awards Committee shall annually solicit, review and vote on the nominations of individuals submitted by the membership to honor deserving members of the proteomics community world-wide. It is also responsible for raising the funds to be re-distributed to award winners.
  • Robert Moritz, USA (Chair)
  • Ruth Birner-Gruenberger, Austria (Co-Chair)

(By Surname)

Byron Baron, Malta
Fernando Corrales, Spain
Éva Csősz, Hungary
Laura Dagley, Australia
Sergio Encarnación-Guevara, Mexico
Benjamin Garcia, USA
Jennifer Geddes-McAlister , Canada
Concha Gil, Spain
Rebekah Gundry, USA
Fuchu He, China
Lan Huang, USA
José Ángel Huerta Ocampo, Mexico
Yansheng Liu, USA
Teck Yew Low, Malaysia
Christian Moritz, France
Aleksandra Nita-Lazar, USA
Nicolle Packer, Australia
Magnus Palmblad, The Netherlands
Elena Ponomarenko, Russia
Paola Roncada, Italy
Luis Manuel Teran, Mexico
Tim Van Den Bossche, Belgium
Yves Vandenbrouck, France
Olga Vitek, USA
Melanie White, Australia
Wei Wu, Singapore
Shamshad Zarina, Pakistan

HUPO Award History

Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee

At HUPO 2015 in Vancouver, the inaugural meeting of the HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) Initiative was launched.  This HUPO initiative is motivated by the firm intent to transmit the HUPO ideals to the next generation of proteomic leaders who are involved in many of the varied B/D-HPP teams and HPP pillars.

Mentoring represents the strongest link between generations of scientists and so, in the context of the initiative, the 14th World HUPO Congress in Vancouver hosted an entire day dedicated to mentoring. The HUPO Mentoring Day was held on Sunday 27th September 2015 and involved participation from many of our past and present proteomics leaders.

The HUPO Mentoring Day was structured as lectures and colloquia “brain-storming” sessions focused on transmitting to young scientists an awareness of proteomics in time and society along with concrete examples and tips necessary for one to build a career in proteomics.

During the day, young scientists had the opportunity to hear from world-renowned scientists from a wide variety of science, technology, and business fields. Together with the group of ECRs, these scientists reflected on their past education, careers, field, choices, work histories, and what an early career scientists needs to know today in order to reap a rewarding future career in science and technology. The “mentors” shared their personal stories and their creative ways of using science, technology, and the choices they made in their careers and everyday lives.

Further, also in the context of the initiative, Vancouver 2015 hosted the first HUPO ECR manuscript competition. This part of the ECR Initiative was intended to create a platform for talented young scientists to present and highlight their recent work in the form of a scientific manuscript. The manuscript competition gives the field a fresh perspective and provides an opportunity for these researchers to present publication-quality work in an international forum. Original scientific manuscripts submitted for the competition were reviewed by a jury and three winners were selected and invited to present their work during the congress along with a monetary prize.

These two ECR activities underpinned the launch of the ECR Initiative at Vancouver 2015. Many more will come to engage the next generation of proteomic leaders from the varied B/D-HPP teams and pillars, through strength in both proteomics and biology, which is paramount to the continuation of the HUPO ideals.

View the ECR Annual Report 2023

For further information on ECR activities please contact:
Mathieu Lavallee (Co-Chair) and Ruth Huttenhain (Co-Chair) at

Education and Training Committee (ETC)

The Education and Training Committee (ETC) is dedicated to advancing the professional growth and scientific expertise of HUPO members. We offer a diverse array of educational programs, including workshops, courses, and tutorials, designed to enhance skills, knowledge, and networking opportunities in the proteomics community. The ETC also supports career development in mass spectrometry-focused academia and industry. Our commitment is to deliver up-to-date, relevant training that empowers our members in their current and future scientific endeavors.

Co-chairs:  Justyna Fert-Bober and Giuseppe Palmisano

ETC members are expected to: 

  1. Attend ETC’s monthly meeting and be an active participant 
  2. Participate in efforts to raise visibility and/or financial support for ETC 
  3. Each member needs to find at least one consultant and propose/lead at least one activity in one year - identify areas for improvement
  4. Participate in the organization of th annual HUPO pre congress training course(s) 
  5. Contribute to HUPO’s monthly HUPOST newsletter and news items documenting ETC community updates and trends in funding, services, research and more

Ben Collins, PhD (United Kingdom)

Since 2019 Ben Collins is a Reader (equiv. Assoc. Prof.) in the School of Biological Sciences, Queen’s University of Belfast, UK. His research focuses on broadly on 3 topics: (i) method development and applications in data independent acquisition mass spectrometry; (ii) method development and applications in the analysis of protein interaction networks and protein complexes; and (iii) applications of these strategies in host-pathogen biology and innate immunity. Ben Collins’s PhD was completed at University College Dublin in 2009 where he remained for 1 year as the Agilent Technologies Newman Fellow (postdoctoral) in Quantitative Proteomics. He moved to the Institute of Molecular Systems Biology at ETH Zurich in Autumn 2010 as postdoctoral researcher under the supervision of Prof. Ruedi Aebersold, where his research focused on the application of quantitative interaction proteomics in signaling and the development of DIA/SWATH mass spectrometry. Following this Ben Collins was a Group Leader and SNF Ambizione Fellow at IMSB, ETH Zurich with a focus on applying methods developed as a postdoc to relevant problems in host-pathogen biology.

Blandine Chazarin, PhD (United States)

Blandine CHAZARIN is currently a postdoctoral scientist at PRISM laboratory, INSERM U 1192, Université de Lille in France. Previously she studied biology at Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse, France) prior advanced training in proteomics and mass spectrometry at Lille 1 University (Lille, France). She obtained a PhD using mass spectrometry to better understand hibernating brown bear physiology to path the way of therapeutic against muscle atrophy at LSMBO (Strasbourg, France). She is the former president of the youth club of the proteomic French Society and organized yearly meeting dedicated to young scientists in proteomics. Now, she is involved in postdoctoral scientist society at Cedars-Sinai and developed single cell proteomic approach applied to cardiac cells proteome analysis.

Brian Searle, PhD (United States)

Brian Searle is an Assistant Professor at the Ohio State University Medical Center in the Department of Biomedical Informatics and a member of the Pelotonia Institute for Immuno-Oncology (PIIO). Brian received his chemistry BA at Reed College in 2001. In 2004, he co-founded Proteome Software with Mark Turner and Dr. Ashley McCormack to produce and distribute cutting-edge data analysis software for proteomicists. In 2014, he returned to academia to earn his PhD with Dr. Michael MacCoss at University of Washington, where he developed methods to detect and quantify proteins and phosphosites using mass spectrometry. His lab at PIIO spans the intersection of proteomics, mass spectrometry, bioinformatics, and technology development to study human genetic variation in the backdrop of cancer.

Deepti Jaiswal Kundu, PhD (United Kingdom)

Deepti Jaiswal Kundu, works as a Scientific Curator at EMBL-EBI, Cambridge, UK. Before joining EMBL-EBI, she studied botany, psychology, and bioinformatics in India, before doing a PhD in Cheminformatics in the Czech Republic. After successfully defending her thesis in 2015 Deepti Jaiswal Kundu moved to Cambridge, UK and took a break of briefly 2 years to have daughter. She joined EBI in 2018. As a Scientific Curator, Deepti Jaiswal Kundu is responsible to check and validate new datasets submitted to the PRoteomics IDEntifications Database (PRIDE) - the world’s largest public database dedicated to mass spectrometry-based proteomics. Furthermore, she curates the datasets for further reanalysis and integration to other bioinformatic resources in EBI.

Giuseppe Palmisano, PhD (Brazil)

Dr. Giuseppe Palmisano is currently a Professor at the Department of Parasitology, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in mitochondrial physiopathology in 2008 from University of Bari under the supervision of Prof. Sergio Papa and then completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, under the supervision of Prof. Martin R. Larsen, developing methods for PTMs analysis in different biological samples. His current area of research is method development and application of proteomics to parasite infections (Chagas disease, Leishmaniasis and Placental Malaria) with a particular focus on regulatory mechanisms of PTMs-mediated cellular signals.

Justyna Fert-Bober, PhD (United States)

I am an Assistant Professor at Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute, and my research is focused on molecular and cellular mechanisms of heart failure (HF) in general population and in the immunopathogenesis of heart disease in the rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patient. I have a broad background in biochemistry, with specific training and expertise in proteomics and mass spectrometry and secondary immunology research. I am a pioneer in the understanding of arginine deiminases and protein citrullination’s contribution to neo-antigens production. My lab is interested in targeting the citrullinated proteins associated with the HF disease and finding the functional significance at least, in a subset of biologically important modifiable cardiac proteins. I claim that cardiac specific citrullinated proteins yield neo-antigens production and can become additional targets in epitope spreading of autoimmune responses. This will allow to create new diagnostics and prognostic tests for clinical use.

Teck Yew Low, PhD (Malaysia)

Dr Teck Yew Low is an associate professor and senior research fellow located at the UKM Medical Molecular Biology Institute (UMBI) which is affiliated to the National University of Malaysia (UKM), leading the cancer proteomics and metabolomics group. Before that, he worked at Netherlands Proteomics Centre (NPC) in Utrecht University in the Netherlands. His research interests include bridging (phospho)proteomics with clinics and cancer proteogenomics.

Qingsong Lin, PhD (Singapore)

Qingsong Lin is a Principal Research Fellow (Research Associate Professor) of the Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore (NUS).  He is the Director of the Protein and Proteomics Centre (PPC), NUS.  Besides, he is the President of the Singapore Society for Mass Spectrometry (SSMS) since 2017.  His expertise lies in applications of mass spectrometry in proteins and proteomics, extended to other biomolecules.  His research interests are mainly in disease biomarker discovery and disease mechanism, drug target identification and mechanism of action studies, as well as the application of mass spectrometry and quantitative proteomics technologies to address various biological questions.

Yansheng Liu, PhD (United States)

Yansheng Liu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacology at Yale University School of Medicine. He is also a group leader in quantitative proteomics at the Yale Cancer Biology Institute. Dr. Liu received his Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2011. He then completed a 6.5-year post-doctoral training in the laboratory of Dr. Ruedi Aebersold at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Dr. Liu joined the faculty at Yale in December 2017. The Liu Lab has particular research interests in protein post-translational diversity (modification and turnover), cancer aneuploidy, and cell signaling transduction. The Liu Lab additionally aims to contribute to the development of multiplexed, high-throughput data-independent acquisition mass spectrometry (DIA-MS) technique.

View the 2023 Annual Report of the Education and Training Committee 

Finance Committee

The  Finance  Committee  shall  consist  of  the President, the immediate past President, the President-Elect, the Treasurer and the immediate past Treasurer. The Treasurer shall serve as chair of the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall meet at least each calendar quarter. All requests for expenditures shall be submitted to the Finance Committee with an explanation of the request and its budget/cost. The Finance Committee will evaluate proposals and will forward its recommendations to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will decide how the money is allocated and what projects will be supported. This process ensures that checks and balances are utilized throughout and enforces unbiased financial decisions.

  • Rebekah Gundry, USA (Chair/Treasurer)
  • Jennifer Van Eyk, USA (President)
  • Yu-Ju Chen, Taiwan (Past President)
  • Peter Hoffmann, Australia (Immediate Past Treasurer)

Marketing and Outreach Committee

    The HUPO Marketing and Outreach Committee (MOC) is responsible for promoting proteomics via the HUPO brand to a wide audience using a range of tools and activities. The MOC promotes and disseminates outreach activities/material, such as proteomics presentations/seminars and workshops organized by other committees (e.g., ECR, ETC, HPP). To assist in these efforts, the MOC generates marketing materials for distribution using relevant contacts (e.g., clinicians, public health officials) and social media platforms, to reach audiences from all backgrounds. The MOC actively engages with third-party organizations to increase the profile of proteomics, for both visibility and potential streams of income and sponsorship. The MOC activities aim to increase the number of HUPO members, champion existing HUPO members, and support visibility of proteomics.  This main focus areas of this Committee include:  1. Website   2. Branding   3. Social Media   4. Promotional Outreach  5. Humans of HUPO.

    The committee reports to the HUPO Executive Committee, providing updates on ongoing activities and future plans. 

    Committee contact information:

    • James Waddington, UK (Chair)
    • Emily Hashimoto-Roth, Canada (Co-chair)
    • Charlotte Hutchings, UK
    • Theodora Katsila, Greece
    • Aleksandra Nita-Lazar, USA
    • Darragh O'Brien, UK
    • Darien Schell, South Africa
    • Nobuaki Takemori, Japan
    • Sheri Wilcox, Nautilus (IAB Representative)
    • Qian Zhao, Hong Kong
    View the 2023 Annual Report of the Marketing & Outreach Committee

    Nominations and Elections Committee

    The Nomination Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) and not more than seven (7) individuals (including at least one (1) Councilor). Members of the Nomination Committee shall be elected or appointed, as the case may be, at the annual meeting of the Council. Meetings of the Nomination Committee shall occur at least sixty-seven (67) days prior to the election of Councilors at each annual meeting of Members. The slate of candidates for Councilor offered by the Nomination Committee shall be approved by the Executive Committee not less than sixty (60) days prior to the election.  The Nomination Committee shall obtain written agreement from each candidate, make nomination recommendations and submit a list of candidates along with a short biographical sketch of each candidate to the Executive Committee for approval. The Nomination Committee shall exercise any other powers and duties as the Executive Committee may determine.

    • Aleksandra Nita-Lazar, USA (Chair)
    • Si Wu, USA (Co-Chair)
    • Jonathan Blackburn, South Africa
    • Rebekah Gundry, USA
    • Peter Hoffmann, Australia
    • Jun Qin, USA/China
    • Paola Roncada, Italy

    Publications Committee

    The Publications Committee shall interact with the scientific journals and the scientists in the field of proteomics and shall establish and promote the vision of the Corporation with respect to standards in publications related to proteomics. The Publications Committee shall oversee the Website and other electronic bases (e.g., Twitter) established for sharing HUPO news and information with Members and the public.

    • Andrea Urbani, Italy (Chair)
    • Deborah Penque, Portugal (Co-Chair)
    • Jean-Charles Sanchez, Switzerland
    • Mark Baker, Australia
    • Andrew Pitt, UK
    • Eric Deutsch, USA
    • Yasushi Ishihama, Japan
    • Charles Pineau, France