
HUPOST Editorial

28 Feb 2018 10:39 AM | Deleted user

Lennart Martens, Ghent University, Dept of Biochemistry, Belgium

Spring is just around the corner in the Northern Hemisphere, which probably has something to do with a forward looking issue of HUPOST.

A first forward look concerns the 2018 HUPO World Congress at Orlando, Florida, which will take place from September 30 until October 4th, and for which registration has now been opened! All information can be found on the 2018 HUPO Congress website.

A second forward look brings us to the newly minted Proteomics Community in the ELIXIR European Bioinformatics Research Infrastructure. If this does not automatically make a lot of sense to you, you should definitely read the HUPOST interview with a few of the founders in this issue!

And as a third forward look, you will also find the announcement of the 19th Chromosome Centric Human Proteome Project workshop in this issue, which will be held in Santiago de Compostela in Spain in the weekend of June 16-17, 2018 as a companion event to the XII EuPA Congress 2018.

And in closing, I leave you with this bit of interesting information: Santiago de Compostela has a 1000-year history as one of the main pilgrimage sites in Europe, and remains extremely popular today. So if you see some weary travellers while you’re there, keep in mind that they have just walked hundreds or even thousands of kilometers to get there!

Cheers, Lennart Martens, HUPOST Editor.