
C-HPP Wiki Disseminates Information on C-HPP Activities

27 Apr 2018 1:03 PM | Deleted user

Péter Horvatovich, University of Groningen, Netherlands

The Chromosome-Centric Human Proteome Project (C-HPP) plans to identify all elements of the human proteome, their proteoforms and determine their functions. C-HPP efforts are summarized as protein evidence status and functional and other annotations of human protein coding genes by neXtProt. The C-HPP is organized as an international consortium based currently on a per chromosome basis and is open to the entire scientific community for contribution. Besides individual publications, other scientific contributions are summarized in the C-HPP special issues appearing each year in the Journal of Proteome Research. On an ongoing basis, the main C-HPP achievements are highlighted in C-HPP Newsletters published every year. The C-HPP has initiated a community information sharing Wiki page, to enable sharing C-HPP–related information directly by member teams. The C-HPP Wiki includes the following sections:

- Representation of team members information, resources, expertise, projects and results on a chromosome basis

- Protocols, guidelines and central resources of the C-HPP project

- The program of C-HPP workshops organized each year at HUPO congresses and at C-HPP workshops, which includes presentations with authors permission and other workshop related information

- C-HPP news items, which includes announcement of new achievements, new guidelines and yearly appearing C-HPP Newsletters

C-HPP Wiki is a live non-centralized information sharing platform of C-HPP members and has as its goal to share as much information as possible for C-HPP members, for the proteomics scientific community and for interested readers. The web page for C-HPP Wiki is at