
Proteomics Bootcamp at IIT Bombay – December 2018

04 Jan 2019 11:54 AM | Deleted user

Sanjeeva Srivastava, IIT Bombay, India

Proteomics is the study of entire protein complement of an organism. Advancements in proteomics have been phenomenal over the last decade with several promising high-throughput technologies emerging at the forefront of various applications. Owing to the rapid advancements in state-of-the-art proteomics technologies, continuous expansion of our scientific understanding, and challenges associated with omics research, it has become essential to keep up with current trends and advances in proteomics research. In this light, we conducted three workshops at IIT Bombay, where eminent scientists and researchers from India and abroad had shared their knowledge and expertise to train the participants and familiarize them to the vast applications of proteomics.

Basics and Advanced Proteomics Approaches (December 3 to 14, 2018)

The DST supported programme was specially designed for Scientists/Technologists who are actively involved in research and development activities. The overall goal of the programme was to develop an educational training program on diverse proteomic technologies and offer hands-on training on the cutting edge proteomics technology to benefit the scientists in their research skill enhancement and keeping them abreast with the last technological advancements in the field of science. 25 scientists were selected for this program.

Cancer Proteogenomics Workshop (December 6 to 11, 2018)

This training program utilized advanced genomic & proteomic technologies and their data from high-quality human biospecimens to identify potentially actionable therapeutic molecular targets. This IUSSTF funded training program was a collaborative effort by experts in the fields of proteomics and proteogenomics in cancer research from the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard (Convener, USA: D. R. Mani) and Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (Convener, India: Sanjeeva Srivastava). The program comprised interactive lectures with case studies, hands-on sessions and demonstrations on proteogenomics aimed at accelerated understanding of cancer. 200+ participants attended this training program.

Caner proteogenomics workshop Group 

Cancer Moonshot India Program – December 7, 2018

The Cancer Moonshot aims to accelerate cancer research to make effective therapies available to more patients, while also improving early and accurate detection.

Similar to the Cancer Moonshot project of USA, to expedite cancer diagnosis and treatment, we have initiated the Cancer Moonshot India project. India has now become the 12th country to join the International Cancer Proteogenome Consortium (ICPC) of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), U.S. The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) aims to study proteomics and the Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH), Mumbai, aims to study the genomics of three cancers, breast, cervix and oral. Dr. Henry Rodriguez, Director, NCI Office of Cancer Clinical Proteomics Research inaugrated this event and delivered a speech to the gathering, which included distniguished clinicians from ACTREC, TMC and KEM hospitals; key industry leaders; and scienitsists working in genomics and proteomics area.

Enchanting dance performances by Faizal Kahan and his group

Trans-Proteomic Pipeline (December 12 to 14, 2018)

The TPP workshop was scheduled from 12th to 14th December 2018. This advanced mass spectrometry data analysis workshop was supported by IUSSTF joint virtual center grant and conducted by Institute for Systems Biology scientists.

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