
Full program and highlights from the 21st C-HPP symposium “Illuminating the Dark proteome” - Saint Malo, France, May 12-14, 2019

01 May 2019 9:37 AM | Deleted user

Péter Horvatovich, University of Groningen, Netherlands

The dark proteome is defined accordingly to C-HPP as “a colloquial term that includes missing proteins (PE2 – PE4), uncertain/dubious predicted proteins (PE5), uPE1 proteins, smORF (small proteins), and any proteins translated by long non-coding RNAs or uncharacterized transcripts including those arising from non-coding regions of DNA and/or novel alternative splicing.” The central theme of the 21st C-HPP symposium is “Illuminating the Dark proteome” and will take place in May 12 – 14, 2019 in Saint Malo (France) at the Hotel France & Chateaubriand, which is located inside the fortified city.

The complete scientific program and abstracts are now available online home page of the event and at C-HPP Wiki. The program – amongst others – includes discussion of the 3.0 version of Human Proteome Project Data Interpretation Guidelines, updates on neXtProt, PeptideAtlas, as well as progress on neXt-CP50 and neXt-MP50 challenges. Keynote lectures will be provided by:

  • Nuno Bandeira (University of California, San Diego) on “ProteinExplorer: integration of community-scale big data for assessment of protein existence”.
  • Anne-Claude Gingras (Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute,Toronto, Canada) on “Dark proteome: shedding light on localization and interaction of uncharacterized proteins”.
  • Yves Vandenbrouck (CEA Grenoble, France) on “Exploring the dark side of the Human proteome using the ProteoRE platform”.
  • Mirjam Czjzek (Roscoff Marine Station, Roscoff, France) on “How structural biology contributes to uncover biochemical functions of putative proteins”.
  • Fernando Corrales (Centro Nacional de Biotecnología , Madrid, Spain) on “Bridging C and B/D HPP to define the biological context of human proteins PTM” (Abstract 12).
  • Marie-Christine Birling (IMPC, Strasbourg, France) on “The virtuous cycle of human genetics and mouse (and rat) models”.

In addition 23 talks were selected from the abstracts.

The organisers Charles Pineau, Chris Overall, Young-Ki Paik, Lydie Lane are looking forward to meeting with all C-HPP members and all interested participants, especially B/D-HPP members.