
Highlights from the 21st C-HPP symposium “Illuminating the Dark proteome” - Saint Malo, France, May 11-14, 2019

31 May 2019 2:53 PM | Deleted user

Péter Horvatovich, University of Groningen, Netherlands

The C-HPP held their annual workshop in France, at the historic port town of St Malo this May. With over 45 registrants, the meeting was highly successful, due mostly to the excellent science presented by invited keynote speakers and the C-HPP teams, but also by the gastronomy selected by local convenor, Dr Charles Pineau. The central theme of the 21st C-HPP symposium was “Illuminating the Dark proteome”, which took place in May 11 – 14. The dark proteome is defined accordingly to C-HPP as “a colloquial term that includes missing proteins (PE2 – PE4), uncertain/dubious predicted proteins (PE5), uPE1 proteins, smORFs (small potentially-translated open reading frames), and any proteins translated by long non-coding RNAs or uncharacterized transcripts including those arising from non-coding regions of DNA and/or novel alternative splicing.”

The complete scientific program with abstract and some presentations is available on the C-HPP Wiki, along with most other past annual C-HPP workshops. The symposium included presentations on various aspects of the human dark proteome, including structural biology, a summary of the pre-symposium full-day workshop on changes to the HPP Data Interpretation Guidelines by Eric Deutsch (see more details below), updates on neXtProt by Lydie Lane, and neXt-MP50 by Chris Overall, and the neXt-CP50 by Young Ki Paik. Also featured was a fascinating talk on an approach to reveal the localisation of human proteins by Anne-Claude Gringras, and the use of ProteinExplorer for integration of community-scale big data for assessment of protein existence by Nuno Bandeira. A full summary is being prepared now for the C-HPP newsletter.

HPP Data Interpretation Guidelines: A full-day workshop, one day prior to the symposium, featured extended discussion of 25 open questions related to updates to the HPP Mass Spectrometry Data Interpretation Guidelines and to the implementation of the workflow by which the HPP confirms the translation of potential coding genes. Each of the 25 topics were debated, potential solutions were listed, and a consensus decision among the participants achieved. The result will be an update of the guidelines from version 2.1 to version 3.0, and a manuscript that describes the open questions, the potential solutions, the consusus decisions, and the logic behind those decisions will be submnitted to the Jurnal of Proteome Research Special Issue on the HPP.

neXtProt update: neXtProt release 2019-01-11 should be used for the incoming publications in the JPR C-HPP special issue 2019. This release contains 2129 missing proteins, of which 441 have associated MS data which is insufficient for protein validation according to the current HPP guidelines. According to neXtProt query NXQ_00022, 2222 entries lack functional annotation. Out of these entries, 1254 are validated at protein level (uPE1). These are the targets of the neXt-CP50 challenge.

JPR Special Issue: The deadline has been extended to June 14 for papers on the C-HPP, B/D-HPP and from the pillars.