
Early Career Researcher talents in full display at the HUPO 2019 World Congress in Adelaide

08 Oct 2019 11:37 AM | Deleted user

Early Career Research (ECR) Committee

ECR competition winners
The ECR initiative would like to congratulate Eneko Villanueva (University of Cambridge) who won the ECR Manuscript Competition with his talk on the “Comprehensive identification of RNA–protein interactions in any organism using orthogonal organic phase separation (OOPS)” and Tim Van Den Bossche (Ghent University) who won the Ph.D. Poster Competition with his presentation entitled “ReScoring peptide-to-spectrum-matches based on predicted fragment ion intensities leads to an increased identification rate in metaproteomics”. The ECR initiative also congratulates all finalists of both competitions, who were invited by the Royal Society of Chemistry to a networking dinner, where they had the opportunity to learn about the publication peer review process. Finally, thank you to all senior scientists who participated in the review process for these competitions.

Fourth from the left Maggie Lam (Runner-up), Enek Villanueva (Winner), and Ankit Sinha (Runner-up).

HUPO 2019 PH.D. Poster Competition Recipients 

Fourth from the left Tim Van Den Bossche (Winner), Sayantani Chatterjee (Runner-up) and Maik Mueller (Runner-up).

Annual Mentoring Day and networking event
In addition to displaying their proteomics research on the international stage, ECRs had the opportunity to participate in the annual HUPO Mentoring Day, where they gathered advice on how to communicate, manage and network effectively from international proteomics leaders. The ECR initiative thanks Drs. Jennifer Van Eyk, John R. Yates III, Birgit Schilling, Daniel Figeys, Merry Lindsey, and Stuart Cordwell for sharing their experience with the future leaders of the field. Furthermore, over 30 ECRs also had the occasion to mingle at a meet and greet breakfast session generously sponsored by Atturos.

Thank you for supporting ECRs
Finally, the ECR initiative would like to thank Prof. Peter Hoffmann and Prof. Stuart Cordwell, the entire organizing committee of the HUPO 2019 World Congress in Adelaide and HUPO for deploying herculean efforts to offer travel funding for ECRs to attend HUPO 2019. Through their work and by reaching out to local communities, they were able to provide travel funding to over 150 ECRs. The ECR initiative would also like to thank the following societies (in no particular order) who partnered to provide travel funding to ECRs: the German Society for Proteome Research (DGPF), the Japanese Proteomics Society (JPrOS), the Korean Human Proteome Organization (KHUPO), the Proteomics Society of India (PSI), the Singapore Society for Mass Spectrometry, the Swiss Proteomics Society, the United States Human Proteome Organization (US-HUPO), and the Australasian Proteomics Society (APS).