
Publications Publications

HUMAN plasma proteome PROJECT

Leadership and Team members



Jochen Schwenk, Ph.D

SciLifeLab and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

Eric Deutsch, Ph.D

Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, USA

Executive Committee members:

Virginie Brun, Ph.D

Clinatec, CEA, Grenoble, France

Philipp Geyer, Ph.D

OmicEra Diagnostics, Germany

Robert Moritz, Ph.D

Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, USA

Gilbert S. Omenn, MD, Ph.D

University of Michigan, USA

Kanna Palaniappan, PhD

Freenome, San Francisco, CA, USA

Maria Pernemalm, PhD

SciLifeLab and Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

Yves Vandenbrouck, PhD

Inserm U1292, CEA, Grenoble, France

Xiaobo Yu, PhD

National Center for Protein Sciences, Beijing, China

Sara Ahadi, PhD

Alkahest Inc., San Carlos, CA, USA

Laura Dagley, PhD

WEHI, Melbourne, Australia

Overall aim: To facilitate the advancement in plasma protein analysis using different technologies, across multiple disease states, and providing a framework to catalog and track the associated results and concepts.

The HPPP was initiated in 2002 as a means to overcome major challenges (e.g. sensitivity and analytical depth) in plasma proteomics. The HPPP helped provide a strategy to address the growing number of plasma samples being systematically collected, stored, and accessible through biobanks.

The HPPP serves to bring together different contributions to plasma proteomics from the perspective of mass spectrometry and affinity-based assays, and provide a platform to discuss success stories, technological possibilities, viewpoints, and perspectives on how plasma proteomics has and will continue to advance.

The team published a review on recent advances in plasma proteomics, providing a set of key aspects that should be considered before embarking on a new plasma proteomics study. The review was published in the 2019 HPP Special Issue (Ignjatovic et al. 2019), and has received new coverage as well.

During 2021, the team published a follow-up review, highlighting views and perspectives about technological developments and possible clinical applications that use mass-spectrometry or affinity-based methods. We discuss examples where plasma proteomics contributed valuable insights into SARS-CoV-2 infections, aging, and hemostasis and the opportunities offered by combining proteomics with genetic data.

Current lines of work:

The HPPP has started to monitor recent publications to highlight those that reflect major advancements in plasma proteomics, including those in the following  \open access Zotero list: plasma proteomics papers. The aim is to keep this list updated, so we appreciate suggestions about published work that might be missing.

Collection of HPPP papers:

  • Deutsch et al., Advances and Utility of the Human Plasma ProteomeJ Proteome Res. 2021 Oct 21. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.1c00657
  • Ignjatovic et al., Mass Spectrometry-Based Plasma Proteomics: Considerations from Sample Collection to Achieving Translational Data. J Proteome Res. 2019 Dec 6. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.9b00503
  • Schwenk JM, et al., The Human Plasma Proteome Draft of 2017: Building on the Human Plasma PeptideAtlas from Mass Spectrometry and Complementary Assays DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.7b00467

HPPP membership:

If you would like to become a member of HUPO-HPPP, please contact us.

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