Member Help

Help Topics:

New Membership

  • New members go to the Membership Application page (located in the “Members” menu) to join HUPO and pay your dues online.
  • Select the desired membership level and click the “Next” button at the bottom right of the page.
  • Enter your email and the Code as displayed (this is for security reasons).
  • Click the “Next” button
  • Complete the Member Application. If you do not want information to show in the directory, leave the field blank. However, we do require your name, email, phone and mailing address. You have the option of excluding your email or phone from the directory.
  • Don’t forget to upload your picture.
  • Click “Next” at the very bottom right of the page.
  • Review and confirm that the information is correct. Click the “Confirm and proceed with payment” button.
  • You will receive emails confirming this transaction.
  • Your new membership will be activated upon receipt of full payment.

Renew Your Membership

  • Renewing members go to your Member Profile to pay your dues online.
  • Click the “Renew until 20xx” button on the right side of the page.
  • If you like you can review your profile and make any additions or changes you would like. If you do not want information to show in the directory, leave the field blank.
  • Click on the “Update and next” button.
  • Review the information and click the “Confirm and proceed with payment” button.
  • You will receive emails confirming this transaction.
  • Your membership will be updated instantly if your credit card payment is successfully processed.

Update Your Profile

  • Go to Member Login – Profile (under the ‘Members’ tab) and login.
  • To update your profile, Click “Edit profile”
  • Make any additions or changes you would like. If you do not want information to show in the directory, leave the field blank. However, we do require your name, email, phone and mailing address. Your mailing address will not show and you have the option of excluding your email or phone from the directory.
  • Click “Save” at the very bottom left of the My Profile page.
  • Click “Logout” at the very bottom right of the My Profile page.