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  • 02 Oct 2024 4:02 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The October HUPOST is now available!  Chock full of the latest HUPO 2024 news, finalists and info about the upcoming ECR events, the C-HPP Workshop, career opportunities and more!

  • 02 Oct 2024 1:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Sponsored by Expert Review of Proteomics Taylor and Francis

    The Proteomics Highlights of the Year plenary session at HUPO 2024 will take place on Monday, October 21st at 17:45 in the Plenary Hall at the International Congress Center Dresden. This exciting session features the finalists from the ECR Manuscript Competition, who will present some of the most innovative recent work in proteomics from emerging scientists. We are thrilled to introduce the three finalists who will present their cutting-edge research in a plenary session:

    • Stacy Malaker (Yale University, USA); view Stacy's bio here.
    • Marc van Oostrum (Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Germany); view Marc's bio here.
    • Leyuan Li (Beijing Proteome Research Center, CN); view Leyuan's bio here

    The winner of the competition will be determined based on their oral presentation, and will take home $1,000; runners-up will be awarded $500.

    This week, we are shining a light on our last, but certainly not least, finalist, Leyuan Li, who will present her manuscript entitled: “Revealing proteome-level functional redundancy in human gut microbiome using ultra-deep metaproteomics.” Her research focuses on using metaproteomics and other advanced techniques to unravel the complexities of our internal microbial ecology. Take a look hereat her short bio. 

  • 02 Oct 2024 1:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The proteomics community is a vibrant and dynamic group of scientists, researchers, and professionals, all bound by a shared passion for understanding the complexities of proteins. As part of the HUPO community, we know that proteomics isn't just a field of study - it's a global network of collaboration, innovation, and discovery. What makes you love being a part of this amazing community?

    HUPO wants to hear from you! Whether it’s the groundbreaking research, the collaborative spirit, or the sense of belonging, your story can inspire others and highlight the incredible diversity of experiences within HUPO. Submit your personal reflections or professional anecdotes and help us highlight some very special moments in the proteomics community. We’re going to feature them in the HUPO booth (looping video presentation) at HUPO 2024 in Dresden!  

    Ruth Huttenhain, Assistant Professor, Stanford: “I love HUPO because it unites a vibrant and diverse community of scientists who share a passion for exploring protein function.”

    Mathieu Lavallée-Adam, Associate Professor, University of Ottawa: "The HUPO World Congress is where I found my postdoctoral job! Networking within HUPO has helped me build new collaborations and friendships." 

    Send your short stories (and photo) to by October 11. Help us celebrate what makes HUPO an exceptional community for proteomics professionals worldwide!

  • 02 Oct 2024 1:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The 2024 General Assembly of Members (GAM) will be held during HUPO 2024 in Dresden, Germany just prior to the Awards Ceremony and Closing Session:

    Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2024
    Time: 1615-1645 (local Time)
    Location: Plenary Hall, International Congress Center Dresden

    HUPO members are invited to attend for important HUPO updates and networking. Contact the HUPO Office ( for more information.

  • 02 Oct 2024 8:29 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    neXtProt has not been updated since October 2023 and solutions are being sought to revive this major database. In the meantime, the resource remains available for users at both and with a very large number of visitors each month.

    To support the HPP as they move forward, UniProt has taken on the role of running the Proteomics Identification pipeline. This has involved upgrading existing UniProt MS peptide identification pipeline to meet the stringency of the HPP3.0 guidelines, and working with Eric Deutsch (PeptideAtlas) and Nuno Bandeira (MassIVE) to ensure all additional criteria for data evaluation are met.

    UniProt release 2024_04 shows that 18,417 proteins now have PE1 level evidence, out of a total of 19,835 candidate entries (93%). The data will be visible in the UniProt Feature Viewer and accessible via an API and a full analysis will be published in the 2024 report on the proteome from the HUPO Human Proteome Project, currently in preparation. UniProt has long supported the data generated using HUPO Proteomics Standards Initiative data standards.

    In addition to the peptide pipelines, we are working with Eric Deutsch, Andy Jones (U. Liverpool) and Juan Antonio Vizcaino (EMBL-EBI) to use deposited MS data to identify additional high-confidence PTM sites and these will be added to UniProt human protein records over the next few months. Protein interactions and complexes generated by the IMEx databases are already accessible through our records. The UniProt database is committed to supporting the HUPO HPP with its next Grand Challenge of identifying a function for every human protein and looks forward to a closer working relationship with this group in the future.

  • 02 Oct 2024 8:26 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The HUPO ECR Mentoring Sessions provide a space for mentors and mentees to come together and openly discuss relevant topics on navigating an early career in proteomics. Three insightful sessions will take place at HUPO 2024 in Dresden, Germany with the following mentors and topics:

    Career Paths: What’s Next in Your Career? (Sunday, Oct. 20, 14:15 - Conference Room 3-4)

    • John R. Yates III (Scripps Research)
    • Christoph Krisp (Bruker Daltonics GmbH & Co. KG)
    • Maurine Fucito (Evosep)
    • Uli Ohmayer (NEOsphere Biotechnologies GmbH)

    Mental Health: Building Resilience to Manage Work and Job Search Stress (Tuesday, Oct. 22, 15:15 - Conference Room 3-4)
    • Stuart Cordwell (University of Sydney)
    • Jennifer Geddes-McAlister (University of Guelph)
    • Adriana Franco Paes Leme (Brazilian Biosciences National Laboratory)
    Mastering Mentorship: Navigating Conflicts and Personalities (Wednesday, Oct. 23, 15:00 - Conference Room 3-4)
    • Chiara Francavilla (Danish Technical University)
    • Parag Mallick (Stanford University)
    • Blandine Chazarin (PRISM laboratory)

    These sessions are designed to foster lively discussions and offer practical advice to help you navigate your career. Don't miss the opportunity to learn and ask your questions to experienced mentors and connect with peers facing similar challenges!

  • 27 Sep 2024 12:20 PM | Anonymous

    C-HPP Workshop
    Sunday, October 20th, 2024
    Seminar Room 7, International Congress Center Dresden, Germany

    Session One: C-HPP Update and Business Meeting (Chair, Chris Overall)

    9:00: Welcome, C-HPP Annual Report and Update (Chris Overall)
    “Gender and Geographic Diversity in the C-HPP and Team Renewal.”

    9:30: Elections for C-HPP EC positions vacant: We welcome nominations from the floor or by email prior to the Workshop.

    (a) Chair 2025-2028 (Nominations: Gong Zhang; )
    (b) Co-Chair (if Gong Zhang is elected Chair, a Co-Chair position becomes vacant. If so, nominations for the Co-chair: Fernando Corrales; )
    (c) Secretary General (Nominations Heeyoun Hwang; ) (if Heeyoun Hwang is elected Secretary General, a Co-Chair position becomes vacant. If so, nominations for the CoChair: Josh Labaer; )
    (d) Member-at-large (Nominations Gilberto Domont; )
    (e) ECR Member (Nominations from HUPO ECR Committee)

    9:45: ECR Talk “Discovery of a Novel Player in ER-Mitochondria Interactions by DARTS-LC-MS/MS Proteomics Analysis” (Minjeong Ko, Korea)

    10:00: "Unlocking the Secrets of Chromosome 2: The Critical Role of Associated Proteins in Health and Disease – Now a Danish Contribution” (Allan Stensballe + Louise Bundgaard) 

    10:15-10:45: Biobreak/Coffee

    Session Two: C-HPP Team Updates (Chair Gong Zhang)

    10:45: Mitochondria team: “Humanin-Like Peptides” (Viviana Greco)

    11:00: ECR talk “TMEM160, a Protein Belonging to Chromosome 19 with no Assigned Function, Promotes Tumoral Growth in Non-small Cell Lung and Cervical Cancer Cell Lines” (Gloria Angelina Herrera-Quiterio)

    11:15: Chr 20 Team China “An Enquiry Towards the Identification Criteria of Missing Proteins” (Yuxin Li)

    11:30: "Celebrating 10 Years of the C-HPP with a Regrouping Ceremony and Plaque Presentations” (Heeyoun Hwang + Chris Overall)

    12:00-12:30: Working Lunch

    Session Three: Functionalization of PTMs and Proteins (Chair Ho Jeong Kwon)

    12:30: “The HPP Portal (HP3) Compiling GO + HPA + Uniprot” (Gong Zhang)

    12:50: “FE Classification Update” (Eric Deutsch)

    13:10: “GO Consortium and the C-HPP” (Pascale Gaudet)

    13:20: General Discussion

    14:00: Workshop Close

    20:00: C-HPP Workshop Dinner

  • 27 Sep 2024 12:05 PM | Anonymous
    Dr. Leyuan Li is one of the three finalists selected to present their manuscripts during the manuscript competition in a dedicated plenary session at HUPO2024. Their talks will be evaluated by a panel of experts to select the “Proteomics Highlight of the Year”. Dr. Leyuan Li will be presenting her work:  "Revealing proteome-level functional redundancy in human gut microbiome using ultra-deep metaproteomics.”

    Dr. Leyuan Li is currently a Junior Principal Investigator at the National Center for Protein Sciences (Beijing), also known as the Phoenix Center. From 2016 to 2022, she was a postdoctoral fellow and research associate at Dr. Daniel Figeys’s lab at the University of Ottawa. Her training included developing in vitro culturing techniques and automating metaproteomics for rapidly assessing personalized microbiome drug responses. In 2022, she started-up the Proteome-level Microbial Systems Ecology (ProMiSE) Lab at the Phoenix Center. Her new endeavor focuses on using metaproteomics and other advanced techniques to unravel the complexities of our internal microbial ecology. Her research aims to provide deeper insights into the ecology and functions of microbial communities within the human body for future personalized interventions.

  • 27 Sep 2024 11:55 AM | Anonymous

    Congratulations to the finalists of the 2024 Poster Competition for both the Postdoctoral and the Graduate Student Category.

    Postdoctoral Category:

    • Anna Pagotto, ETH Zurich
    • Enes Ugur Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
    • Fabian Frommelt CeMM
    • Heather Murray The University of Newcastle
    • Hsiang-En Hsu Academia Sinica
    • Jan N. Hansen Stanford University
    • Jonas P. Becker German Cancer Research Center
    • Magdalena Kuras Lund University
    • Malte Sielaff University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
    • Matthew The TU Munich
    • Rebecca Herzog Medical University of Vienna
    • Thierry M. Nordmann Max Planck Insitutue of Biochemistry
    • Tristan Cardon INSERM U1192 Protéomique, Réponse Inflammatoire et Spectrométrie de Masse (PRISM)
    • Vishnu Mohan Weizmann Insitute of Science
    • Yaoting Sun Westlake University

    Graduate Student Category:

    • Adele Nel University of Pretoria
    • Aigerim Kassym Jena University hospital
    • Alicia-Sophie Schebesta Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
    • Alireza Nameni VIB-UGent
    • Amy George Newcastle University
    • Jan Simonik Masaryk University
    • Johannes P. Zimmermann Univeristy of Würzburg
    • Julian Müller Technical University of Munich
    • Lucas Rodrigues-Ribeiro National Institute of Science and Technology in Nanobiopharmaceutics
    • Maximilian Zwiebel MPI of Biochemistry
    • Melissa S Vorster Stellenbosch University
    • Nicolai Bjødstrup Palstrøm Odense University Hospital
    • Pinar Altiner Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology (IPBS)
    • Sophia Steigerwald Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
    • Tilman Werner University Medical Center Freiburg
    • Vivien Wiltzsch Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology
    • Yan Zhou Westlake University
  • 05 Sep 2024 1:06 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The September HUPOST is now available!   Have a look at the latest HUPO 2024 updates, news from the HBPP, webinars from ETC and ECR, new job ads and other exciting info on upcoming HUPO activities.

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