
If you have news that you would like distributed via HUPO's website, newsletter, or social media channels, please email office(at)

  • 01 Apr 2022 2:53 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The ECR is delighted to welcome several new members from all over the world. They will play key organizing roles in ECR activities such as mentoring sessions, networking hours, online panel discussions, competitions and more.

    Dr. Sayantani Chatterjee is a Post-Doctoral Associate in Prof. Joseph Zaia’s research group in Boston University School of Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Her current research focuses on exploring viral glycoproteomics, particularly of influenza and SARS-CoV-2 viruses, using high-throughput mass spectrometry, to aid in the development of effective therapeutics. Previously, she completed her PhD under the supervision of Dr. Morten Thaysen-Andersen from Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia where she investigated the structure, function, and involvement of mannose-terminating glycoproteins in cancer, innate immunity and pathogenic infections.

    Ireshyn Govender is a senior researcher in the Molecular Diagnostics and Omics group at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa. He started his career at CSIR in 2013 as a candidate researcher, where his research focused on clinical proteomics in HIV/AIDS-based precision medicine. His Ph.D. was completed in 2019 at the University of the Witwatersrand. Ireshyn is also an application specialist at ReSyn Biosciences where he develops novel sample preparation workflows for biofluid-based clinical proteomics. He is a member of clinical research groups that use proteomics to address diseases that are prominent in South Africa and underrepresented populations by identifying prognostic and/or diagnostic protein biomarker panels. He is also an executive committee member of the South African Association for Mass Spectrometry (SAAMS).

    Charlotte Hutchings is a PhD student in Kathryn Lilley's laboratory at the University of Cambridge. Having completed her BSc and MSc at Imperial College London, Charlotte's primary interest lies in the optimization of gene therapy vectors. It was this interest that led Charlotte to enter the world of proteomics where she now applies novel spatial proteomics methods to understand the mechanism by which adeno-associated viral vectors (used in approved gene therapies) are secreted from HEK293 producing cells. The aim of this work is to optimize the manufacturing of such vectors in collaboration with AstraZeneca. Outside of her project, Charlotte participates in public outreach events and acts as a STEM Ambassador for the North East region of England. She is also a member of the British Society for Proteome Research and the Biochemical Society and is continuing to expand her network. 

    Santosh Misal is a Proteomics Scientist at the Laboratory of Malaria, Immunology, and vaccinology (LMIV), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda MD, USA. He manages a small proteomics facility and provides support to the LMIV investigators for the malaria biomarker discovery and vaccine development pipeline. He utilizes various proteomics approaches including chemical labeling, crosslinking, and single-cell protein analysis to identify parasite protein targets for vaccine development. Before joining NIH, he was a postdoctoral scientist at Brigham Young University and Indiana University Bloomington. Santosh obtained his Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry from Savitribai Phule Pune University, India with a strong interest in protein analysis.

    Sri Ramarathinam has over 15 years of cumulative experience in proteomics and immunopeptidomics. After completing Master of Biotechnology from RMIT University, he worked as a Research Assistant at the University of Melbourne for four years in proteomics, before completing PhD in HIV immunobiology from Monash University. He is currently working as a post-doctoral research fellow at the immunopeptidomics lab headed by Prof Tony Purcell at Biomedicine Discovery Institute (Monash). His research interests include development of new methodologies to address questions in virology, antigen processing and presentation, cancer and autoimmunity. He is also passionate about ECR well-being and is part of institute- and faculty-level ECR committees.

  • 02 Mar 2022 12:06 PM | Deleted user

    March issue of the HUPOST is now available. Lots of updates to check out!

  • 03 Feb 2022 8:10 PM | Deleted user

    Catch up on HUPO news with the February HUPOST

  • 01 Feb 2022 9:57 PM | Deleted user

    The HUPO ECR Initiative is excited to welcome two new members to its organization: Jessica Del Castillo Alferez, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, and Isabell Bludau, a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute in Germany. Learn more about these two up-and-coming researchers below.

    Jessica Del Castillo Alferez is a Ph.D. candidate at Sanquin Research Amsterdam and the University of Utrecht, Netherlands. Her research focuses on the development of plasma peptidomics and proteomics approaches to unravel fundamental aspects of haemostasis. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry at UDLAP, Mexico with a one-year exchange at McGill University, Canada. After this, she moved to the Netherlands where she completed a Master’s program in Molecular Medicine at the University of Groningen. During her Master’s internship, she entered the field of clinical proteomics while investigating proteomic adaptations of asymptomatic MCADD. Jessica is part of the Symphony Consortium, which aims to improve treatment for bleeding disorders by addressing interindividual variation in bleeding tendency. As part of Symphony, her Ph.D. project seeks to link the proteome to the bleeding phenotype with the use of plasma and blood cell profiles to study modifiers of haemostasis.

    Isabell Bludau is a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Prof. Matthias Mann, at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry near Munich. She is specialized in computational proteomics and systems biology. During her Ph.D. with Prof. Ruedi Aebersold at ETH Zurich, Isabell developed computational methods for analyzing large-scale proteomics data. She specifically worked on the detection and quantification of protein complexes. Recently, Isabell’s work focused on the inference of proteoforms and their crosstalk. Isabell’s PhD thesis was awarded the ETH silver medal and her postdoctoral research is supported by a Postdoctoral Mobility fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation. Since 2020, Isabell is a member of the organizing committee of the ISCB’s Community of Special Interest (COSI) on Computational Mass Spectrometry (CompMS), which organizes conference sessions and aims to build a community of scientists working in CompMS.

  • 03 Nov 2021 10:15 AM | Anonymous

    Catchup on the latest HUPO updates in the November HUPOST:

  • 03 Nov 2021 10:10 AM | Anonymous

    Founded in 2001, HUPO turned 20 this year! We are celebrating 20 years of excellent scientific conferences, community engagement, science advocacy, and advanced education! The annual HUPO world congress has been a key event for proteomics scientists since 2002, and has continued through financial and recent pandemic challenges to this year. HUPO community-centric projects, from the Human Plasma Proteome Project of 2001 to the HPP Grand Challenges of today provide cristallisation points for intensive global collaborations, advancing proteomics science and networking. Strong engagement of early career researchers is culminating in five ECR-organised sessions and five days of online training at this year's HUPO ReCONNECT!

    For an interactive look through the intertwined history of HUPO and proteomics, check out, for a look at the future of proteomics attend our week-long birthday party, the HUPO ReCONNECT congress at We're looking forward to virtually meeting you at!

  • 01 Nov 2021 1:09 PM | Anonymous

    Participate in the upcoming YPIC webinar “From Proteomics to Careeromics” on Wednesday December 8 at 11 AM CET (10 AM UTC) with Sarah Blackford (MA, Warwick University). As with proteomics (but not as technically complex or advanced!), careers are made of a multitude of facets that, when considered together, start to form a bigger picture. In this webinar, we will look at these aspects individually and together with the aim of harnessing this knowledge to reveal future career possibilities. With examples related to the interests of ECRs, the session will draw on conceptual and practical applications that should help you to make informed career decisions and take action. As always participation is free of charge! To join, register through this link:

  • 01 Nov 2021 12:56 PM | Anonymous

    HUPO ECR will have a virtual lounge in Gather.Town during HUPO ReCONNECT 2021! Come join us to have a chat, relax, play games, or learn more about ECR activities. Also, you may even get the opportunity to network with some of our surprise guest scientists!!! Keep an eye out for more announcements! HUPO ECR Initiative members will also be at the lounge during conference breaks. This will be THE place to hang out during HUPO ReCONNECT 2021!

  • 01 Nov 2021 12:52 PM | Anonymous

    Join us for an opportunity to meet fellow junior researchers and mentors from around the globe! The ECR Networking Hour will be the perfect time to foster new connections for future collaborations and jobs. To take full advantage of the session, we strongly encourage all participants to keep their cameras on and participate in the light icebreaker and proteomics-related activities. Are you social media savvy or looking to get started? Keep the engagement going beyond the conference by connecting on Twitter and LinkedIn! We can’t wait to meet you!

  • 01 Nov 2021 12:42 PM | Anonymous

    The HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) Manuscript Competition, sponsored by Taylor & Francis, was fierce! Our three finalists, Dr. Yangsheng Liu (Yale University, USA), Dr. Stacey Malaker (Yale University, USA), and Dr. Mehdi Bouhaddou (University of California, San Francisco, USA), will be presenting their research in a dedicated session at HUPO ReCONNECT 2021 on November 17th, 2021, at 23:00 (UTC), where the final awards will be decided. A cash prize of $1,000 will be awarded to first place and prizes of $500 will be awarded to second and third. You absolutely will not want to miss these presentations!