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  • 19 Oct 2020 5:08 AM | Deleted user

    The 2020 Metrics of the HUPO Human Proteome Project (HPP) effort to credibly detect every protein of the human proteome has been released (see This report now provides evidence for detected expression for >90% of the 19,773 predicted proteins coded in the human genome. The HPP annually reports on the progress made throughout the world toward credibly identifying and characterizing the complete human protein parts list and promoting proteomics as an integral part of multiomics studies in medicine and the life sciences. The 2020 metrics paper describes the credibly detected proteins (PE1 level) as well as the 4 other PE levels of protein evidence in a central repository for community sharing of these results. With the neXtProt release of 2020−01, 17,874 genes encoding proteins are classified as PE1 and having strong protein-level evidence. This PE1 level is up 180 proteins from 17,694 one year earlier and represent 90.4% of the 19,773 predicted coding genes (all PE1,2,3,4 proteins in neXtProt). Conversely, the number of neXtProt PE2,3,4 proteins, termed the “missing proteins” (MPs), was reduced by 230 from 2129 to 1899 since the previous year’s release neXtProt 2019−01. PeptideAtlas is the primary source of uniform reanalysis of raw mass spectrometry (MS) data for neXtProt, supplemented this year with extensive data from the MS repository MassIVE. The mass spectrometry data knowledge bases promoted 362 and 84 canonical proteins (PeptideAtlas and MassIVE respectively) in the last year to increase the credibly identified proteins. The Human Protein Atlas also released new protein detection repositories (based on antibody binding data to human proteins) for Blood, Brain, and Metabolic Atlases. The Biology and Disease-driven (B/D)-HPP teams continue to pursue the identification of driver proteins that underlie disease states, the characterization of regulatory mechanisms controlling the functions of these proteins, their proteoforms, and their interactions.

    Of the remaining “missing proteins”, hydrophobic proteins account for about 40% of these and are compounded by protein sequence structures that are difficult to extract credible peptides for high-stringency identification. These missing proteins include large families or groups including GPCR, zinc finger, homeobox, keratin-associated, and coiled-coil domain proteins. We expect novel strategies for finding missing proteins, characterizing the functions of already-detected “dark” proteins, and utilizing proteogenomics in precision medicine to be fruitful in the coming years.

    In addition, the Journal of Proteome Research will produce a year-end virtual Issue with dozens of high-impact papers from the 7 annual special issues of JPR from the Human Proteome Project.

  • 16 Oct 2020 7:35 AM | Deleted user

    The Human Proteome Project (HPP) releases the first Human Proteome Organization (HUPO)-endorsed, high-stringency Human Proteome Blueprint in Nature Communications (see Like the draft “shotgun” Human Genome Project of the Human Genome Organization (HUGO), the HPP has now reached a significant decadal milestone of >90% completion of the Human Proteome that is referred to as the human proteome “parts-list”. This effort recognizes significant community efforts that enabled data inspection and re-analysis, culminating in a high stringency (i.e., rigorous, exacting standards for post-acquisition data processing and protein inferences made from MS spectral data) HPP knowledge base (KB). Additionally, to illustrate the many parallel historical innovations made by the scientific community that have driven proteomics advances, HUPO has created a publicly available interactive historical timeline to be released coincident with publication of this article (

    The HPP’s mission is to reanalyze and integrate community proteomics data with high-stringency processes, bringing increased granularity to our molecular understanding of the dynamic nature of the proteome, including all its modifications, and their relation to human biology and disease. This mission aligns closely with HUPO’s motto “translating the code of life”, providing crucial information that genomics per se cannot deliver. Completion of the HPP will enhance our understanding of human molecular and cellular biology, laying better foundations for diagnostic, prognostic, therapeutic and precision medicine applications.


    In 2010, the Human Proteome Organization launched the Human Proteome Project (HPP), as an international endeavor to create a framework for global collaboration, data sharing and quality assurance, enhancing accurate annotation of the genome-encoded proteome. Over the last decade, the key resources of the HPP (the Human Protein Atlas, PeptideAtlas, MassIVE and neXtProt knowledge bases) have driven the development and refinement of guidelines and metrics to understand the definitive identification of any protein of the human proteome. Their high-stringency reanalysis of community data led to the current status of >90% identification completion rate of the Human Proteome. This knowledge is essential to discern the proteome’s role in health and disease. Here, on behalf of the proteomics community, we report the inaugural high-stringency human proteome project blueprint, illustrating roles in the diagnosis and treatment of cancers, cardiovascular and infectious disease pathologies.

  • 29 Sep 2020 2:33 PM | Deleted user

    By Erika Hunting, Stanford University, USA

    Researchers demonstrate how understanding protein levels can provide insights into regulation, secretome, metabolism, and human disease.

    Unraveling the genetic basis of many human diseases is a daunting task. However, understanding where the products of disease-related genes act can provide clues into disease formation. Presently, scientists examine the RNA -- the first product of a gene -- to infer the tissue where genes act. Unfortunately, there is a downfall to this method: the level of protein -- the active end product of a gene -- often correlates poorly with RNA levels. Thus, generating a map of proteins may be a more revealing approach to understanding the cardinal foundation of disease development.

    In a paper published on Sept. 11 in Cell, researchers in the lab of Michael Snyder, Stanford B. Ascherman Professor and Chair of Genetics and Director of Genomics and Personalized Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, generated the most comprehensive protein map to date. The map shows where proteins are expressed throughout the human body,providing new insights into regulation, secretome, metabolism, and human diseases. The researchers measured relative protein levels from over 12,000 genes across 32 normal human tissues. Tissue-specific proteins were identified and compared to RNA data. Information from tissue-specific proteins could lead to novel explanations of disease phenotype that could not have been deduced by RNA information alone.

    "The tissue-specific distribution of proteins can provide an in-depth view of complex biological processes that require the interplay of multiple organs,” said lead author Lihua Jiang, a proteomics expert in the Snyder Laboratory responsible for proteomics profiling of host samples of the project. “Analysis of enzymes involved in amino acid metabolism revealed different roles of each organ as well as novel organs (heart, stomach, pancreas) that are important for metabolic control. We envision this kind of analysis can shed light on the understanding of many biological processes.”

    Correlation between RNA and Protein Levels

    Previous studies of protein levels have already been performed. However, most of these studies focused on in-depth protein identification and analysis, and the protein measurements were either less accurate or less precise. Moreover, most samples in these studies did not have the corresponding RNA information from the same tissue, making the comparison of RNA and protein levels difficult. Although recent studies have greatly advanced tissue-protein identification, a broader study with accurate measurements for both protein and RNA levels within the same tissues is needed to understand protein level differences from RNA. Additionally, no previous studies have used tissue-specific protein data to systematically examine human biological processes and diseases.

    This Snyder Lab study offered a good opportunity to characterize the correlation between protein and RNA, as data were generated from the same tissue specimens. For many genes, the Stanford team found that only the RNA (not their corresponding proteins) were present at a significant level, while for other genes, it was the opposite -- the protein was detected and not the RNA. These results indicate that tissue-specific functions cannot be distinguished on the basis of RNA levels alone.

    Insights into Disease and Drug Targets

    “Lastly, for genetic diseases caused by mutations in protein-coding regions, the protein information across tissues can suggest the affected organs and explain specific disease symptoms that cannot be explained by genomic studies. As such, the protein data generated in this study is expected to provide valuable insights into human biology and disease," said Dr. Michael Snyder.

    Importantly, for many genes, enrichment only occurs at the protein level and not at the RNA level, so protein expression information may provide insights into the underlying disease mechanisms that cannot be identified using RNA information alone. This demonstrates the importance of collecting protein expression information for the understanding of disease phenotype. Thus, the researchers systematically investigated the protein expression patterns of genetic diseases and found many cases where disease-associated proteins are present in tissues that manifest disease-related pathophysiology; many of these would not be evident from RNA analysis.

    For example, Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is a genetic disorder caused by mutations in at least 14 different genes and affects many parts of the body. BBS-affiliated vision loss, polydactyly, obesity, and other abnormalities can be explained by specific gene mutations but many are still largely unknown; tissue-specific protein expression information might explain some of the clinical symptoms. The researchers detected proteins from 11/14 BBS genes, among which seven are enriched in the pituitary and five are in the brain, muscle, heart, or liver. Abnormality of proteins in the pituitary can broadly affect developmental processes and perhaps cause obesity, diabetes, or hypogonadism observed in BBS patients. The abnormalities in proteins in the brain, muscle, heart, and liver might also contribute to defects such as intellectual disability, delayed motor skills, and conditions that involve the heart, liver, and digestive systems.

    Leigh syndrome is another genetic disease that is associated with mutations in as many as 75 genes. Most of the affected proteins are involved in energy production in the mitochondria. Of the 67/75 proteins observed, 52 showed-up in metabolically active tissues, such as the heart, muscle, brain, and stomach. Some of these proteins were present in all affected tissues and some were only in one or several tissues; their different distributions might cause different tissue-related clinical symptoms. For example, the characteristic progressive loss of mental and movement abilities of Leigh syndrome is most likely related to protein abnormalities in the brain and muscle. Some individuals develop hypertrophic cardiomyopathy which could be caused by mutations in proteins present in the heart. The first signs of Leigh syndrome are vomiting, diarrhea, and difficulty swallowing -- which could be explained by the abnormality of proteins found in the stomach.

    Finally, the team identified 1,329 potential drug-targeted proteins, about half of which are FDA approved drug targets. These drug-targeted proteins span 742 different tissues, and 368 are present in more than one tissue. For drug-targeted proteins present outside of the target organ, the drug may have unintended side effects in the off-target tissue. For example, valproic acid is an anticonvulsant drug that works through the inhibition of a protein in the brain. Snyder’s team showed that this drug-targeted protein is also enriched in the liver and pancreas, suggesting the underlying cause of reported liver and pancreas toxicity side effects.

    “This study provides a valuable resource for us to understand human biology and diseases from proteins which are closer to phenotype. We envision some tissue specific proteins can be used as better biomarkers for diagnosis as well.” said Dr. Michael Snyder.

    Find A Quantitative Proteome Map of the Human Body article here....

    Prof. Michael Snyder's Lab

    Prof. Michael Snyder and Lihua Jiang

  • 02 Sep 2020 10:52 AM | Deleted user

    The Human Protein Atlas (HPA) team plans to release a series of "Movie of the month" during 2020 and 2021. The scientific movies allow for taking a journey into the body through 3D videos that transport you deep inside various organs. The imaging is based on antibody-based profiling of tissues and light sheet microscopy.

  • 02 Sep 2020 10:50 AM | Deleted user

    HUPO Early Career Research initiative together with Young Proteomics Investigators Club (YPIC) invite everyone to special mentoring sessions at during HUPO Connect 2020. For the first time, the HUPO mentoring will be held online in 3 sessions on different days and times, to allow global participation.

    Session 1. How to make the most out of a mentor-mentee relationship. Monday Oct 19, 14:00 UTC

    Session 2. Career, family and work-life balance (during the pandemic). Tuesday Oct 20, 21:30 UTC

    Session 3. Beyond academia - Reflections from industry and publishing. Wednesday Oct 21, 05:45 UTC

    Speakers include B. Garcia and R. Huttenhain. See HUPO Connect 2020 program for session details.

    Mentoring sessions are included in your HUPO Connect 2020 registration, so pull up a comfy chair, grab your drinks and snacks and join in the party.

    Help us prepare by telling us what you need:

  • 02 Sep 2020 10:43 AM | Deleted user

    View our extensive program for HUPO Connect 2020 with 9 scientific sessions, 3 mentoring sessions, industry talks, General Assembly of Members, HPP Futures Day as well as PhD poster and ECR manuscript competition finals. Virtual posters will be available on-demand throughout the Congress. There will be different options for delegate interactions and fun activities, so don’t miss this opportunity to connect with international colleagues!

    Pre-Congress Training Course
    Our online Pre-Congress Training course includes 4 training topics: Proteomics 101, Proteogenomics, Post-translational modification (PTM) analysis, and Computational Tools for Functional Analysis of Proteins. The course will conclude with inspirational, short talks in a special New Technologies and New Approaches session on Friday, October 16, 2020. See detailed program here.

    Early Bird Registration until Sept 28, 2020
    Registration savings are still available for HUPO Connect 2020! A single registration allows access to the Pre-Congress Training course (from Sept 28) and all Main Congress activities including the Human Proteome Project Futures Day (Oct 19-22).

    Upcoming Webinars

    New Innovations in Proteomics
    Join Chair, Anne Bendt, and Speakers, Albert Heck (Fishing Within the Proteome with Phosphate and Phosphonate Handles) and Bernd Bodenmiller (Highly Multiplexed Imaging of Tissues with Subcellular Resolution by Imaging Mass Cytometry), for our last webinar leading up to HUPO Connect 2020 on Thursday, September 24, 2020. Register today for New Innovations in Proteomics!

    Note: All webinars are free for HUPO Members. Non Members can sign up for HUPO’s Mailing List during the registration process and receive complimentary registration. Learn more about these webinars by clicking here.

  • 02 Sep 2020 10:42 AM | Deleted user

    Nominations are invited from active HUPO members with professional experience in the educational, research, or commercial activities related to the purposes of HUPO, to serve 2-year terms as treasurer or member-at-large (2 positions) on the HUPO Executive Committee, commencing January 2021. Nominations will be elected by Council vote.

    For more information and to apply, view, complete and submit the HUPO Executive Committee Nomination Form with a photo of yourself, by September 15 , 2020.

  • 02 Sep 2020 10:41 AM | Deleted user

    Online voting for HUPO 2020 Council Elections will begin on Monday, September 21st and an email containing a secure election ID code along with voting instructions will be sent to all active HUPO members. If you are a HUPO member and do not receive this email check your Junk/Spam folder. Election closes on Sunday, October 18, 2019 at 23:59 Pacific Standard time (PST); be sure to submit your anonymous vote before then!

  • 31 Jul 2020 12:39 PM | Deleted user

    Working on human protein data but never had time to explore neXtProt? Want to better understand its data model or integrate its tools in your data workflow? This online course (lecture and/or practicals) is for you! Please register asap, places are limited! Visit the SIB page for more details:

  • 29 May 2020 10:38 AM | Deleted user

    With the development of a “Virtual HUPO 2020” congress, this year the HUPO awards will be presented online via webinar during the virtual congress . 

    The following HUPO awards remain open for nominations until July 31, 2020:

    Distinguished Achievement in Proteomic Sciences Award ($3000, sponsored by Journal of Proteome Research – ACS Publications) recognizes a scientist for distinguished scientific achievements in the field of proteomic science. 

    Discovery in Proteomic Sciences Award ($3000, sponsored by Journal of Proteomics – Elsevier BV) recognizes a scientist for single discovery in the field of proteomics. 

    Clinical and Translational Proteomics Award ($3000, sponsored by Clinical Proteomics – BioMedCentral) recognizes a scientist for distinguished scientific achievements in the field of clinical and translational proteomics. 

    Nomination Deadline: July 31, 2020

    Click here to review the nomination requirements and submission details.

    Thank you for your nominations!