
Publications Publications

Pathology Pillar

Pathology Pillar Leadership:

  • Michael Roehrl (Chair)
  • Ed Nice (Co-Chair)
  • Daniel Chan (Past-Chair)

Pathology was added to mass spectrometry, antibodies and knowledgebases as a new pillar of the Human Proteome Project (HPP) at the HUPO 2018 World Congress in Orlando, USA. The introduction of the Pathology Pillar acknowledged the key roles that pathology will play in the delivery of proteomics-driven biomarker discovery for clinically useful diagnostic assays. It also recognizes the fundamental importance of new proteomic assays for the on-going development of personalised/precision medicine. The Pathology Pillar continues to co-ordinate the identification of key unmet needs in clinical medicine, stimulate guidelines and standards for the development of fit-for-purpose validated clinical assays, promote awareness of best practice and coordinate access to bioresources of clinical samples and their associated data. It continues to reach out to clinical and diagnostic colleagues to increase the visibility of HUPO and assist in HUPO’s expansion of partnerships with international pathology organizations, diagnostic industries and regulatory agencies. Importantly, it will support the Grand Project.