Webinars and Virtual Presentations 

ETC Webinar: The Past, Present and Future of Quadruple Ion Trap Mass Spectrometers in Proteomics

September 12, 2024 – Take a look at this very interesting webinar regarding “The Past, Present and Future of Quadruple Ion Trap Mass Spectrometers in Proteomics” featuring speaker Philip Remeš. Philip is a senior research scientist in the R&D department of Thermo Fisher Scientific in San Jose, California. He received his Ph.D. in Gary Glish’s lab at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, where he worked on quadrupole ion trap and mass filter instrumentation. At Thermo, he worked with Jae Schwartz on instrument control software, ion trap analyzers, detectors and simulations for the LTQ Velos platform. Later he did similar work as a part of Mike Senko’s Tribrid development team on the Fusion, Lumos, and Eclipse projects. In recent years, Philip has continued working on ion trap technology as technical lead of the Stellar MS project, where he branched out to learn about applications and get first-hand experience in how they can benefit from improvements in hardware, instrument control, signal processing, and informatics.

ECR Online Panel: The Mystery of Grant Writing

September 11, 2024 – This online panel hosted by the HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee focuses on 'The Mystery of Grant Writing'. Panellists include: Dr Jesper Olsen from the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, Dr. Rebekah Gundry from the University of Nebraska Medical Center, and Dr. Mike MacCoss from the University of Washington. Grant writing is an essential part of a career in science, but where do we learn to write grants? How can we tailor our writing for specific grant calls? What can we do when a grant gets rejected? Get answers to these questions and more!

ETC Webinar Series: Fully Automated Proteomics Sample Preparation Applied to Chemical Proteomics and Plasma Proteomics 

April 24, 2024 - Are you excited by the latest mass spectrometers, such as Astral and Ultra? Wondering how to prepare your samples efficiently to maximize their capabilities? View this insightful webinar hosted by the HUPO Education and Training Committee.

ECR Online Panel:  The Inside Scoop - Navigating the 3MT with HUPO's 2023 Winners

April 25, 2024 - During this event, the three winners of the 2023 3-Minute Thesis Competition presented their thesis in a more detailed format, shared their experiences from the competition, and provided some advice for future participants. For those  interested in participating in a future 3-Minute Thesis Competition, be sure to view this webinar.

ETC Webinar Series: Reverse Phase Protein Array (RPPA) Applications: Molecular Profiling and Predicting Response to Targeted Therapies

March 20, 2024: RPPA is a high-throughput protein array technology that simultaneously measures hundreds or thousands of samples on glass slides with high precision and reliability, using specific antibodies. RPPA and mass spectrometry-based protein profiling are complementary technologies for protein profiling. In this webinar, panelists discuss RPPA's high-throughput capabilities and laser-captured microdissection technology. They also cover how these technologies precisely measure protein expression, modifications, and phosphorylation in tumor cells.

ECR Online Panel:  Getting Recognized for your Work

February 28, 2024 - Are you a Ph.D. student, postdoc, or early career researcher looking to get recognized for your work? Take a look at this HUPO Early Career Researcher online panel discussion, "Getting recognized for your work".

The panel features Dr. Laurent Gatto (Associate Professor of Bioinformatics, UCLouvain), Dr. Stacy Malaker (Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Yale University), and Dr. Juan Antonio Vizcaino (Scientist and Team Leader, Proteomics, European Molecular Biology Laboratory).

This is an excellent opportunity to find out more about getting recognized for your work and putting yourself in a favourable position for your future career.

ETC Webinar Series: Past,Actual & Future Directions of Trapped Ion Mobility Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry

February 21, 2024 - Trapped ion mobility spectrometry (TIMS) is a powerful analytical technique that separates and characterizes gas-phase ions based on their mobility in a buffer gas. TIMS has been widely applied in various fields, such as proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, and pharmaceutical research. It offers sensitivity, speed, and resolution for complex and challenging samples.

In the webinar, you will also learn about the different data-independent acquisition (DIA) mass spectrometry methods currently used in proteomics and how new approaches benefit from the additional ion mobility dimension and new acquisition modes.

ETC Webinar Series:
Why Size Matters - Revolutionizing Protein and Peptide Detection with Ion Mobility

January 24, 2024. Protein identification is of fundamental importance in many areas of proteomics. Its applications include determining the presence or absence of an expected protein in a sample of interest, identifying an unknown protein present in a biological sample, and identifying a protein responsible for biochemical activity in an isolated protein fraction. In some cases, mass spectrometry or affinity-based methods may be suitable options, but these methods can face substantial challenges. Scientists need the ability to identify and measure peptide modifications, structures, and impurities more definitively and faster. Driven by structures for lossless ion manipulation (SLIM) technology, the MOBIE® instrument’s high-resolution ion mobility mass spectrometry platform separates and identifies the most challenging molecules with unprecedented resolution without compromising speed. By combining the MOBIE® platform’s high-resolution ion mobility mass spectrometry (HRIM-MS) data with liquid chromatography, more accurate separation and identification of impurities and posttranslational modifications (PTMs) can be achieved, reducing run times and costs.

ECR Online Panel:  Translating Science from Benchtop to Biotech 

August 8, 2023 – ECR Online Panel: Want to learn about turning science into a business? This online panel discussion is part of a seminar series organized by the HUPO Early Career Researcher Committee and The Young Proteomics Investigators Club (YPIC). These seminars offer a space to foster professional development by engaging with the community. During this one-hour panel, hear on thoughts and views from experienced researchers on their involvement and trajectory in the establishment of successful biotechs! SPEAKERS: Ruedi Aebersold (Co-founder of Biognosys) and Jarrod Sandow (Director and Senior Scientist at IonOpticks).

HUPO B/D HPP Webinar: Aging and Disease

July 20, 2023 - Diverse topics in aging and disease proteomics are explored regarding cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, geroscience, and others. Speakers and presentation topics include: ROGER REDDELL - Progress Towards Utilisation of Tissue Proteomics in the Cancer Clinic; RENA ROBINSON - High-throughput Proteomics Applications in Aging & Alzheimer’s Disease; MAGGIE LAM - Post-transcriptional Regulation of Aging and Diseases; BIRGIT SCHILLING; NATHAN BASISTY - Leveraging Proteomics for Translational Geroscience.

ETC Webinar Series:  Open Data Practices in Proteomics: The Why, The How and The What For?

May 25, 2023 – This is the fifth HUPO Education and Training Committee (ETC) Auditorium. Are you curious about the cutting-edge open data practices that are revolutionizing the field of proteomics? This webinar explores the benefits of making data available in the public domain and how this can be achieved. Discover how these practices can unlock new opportunities for research and innovation in the field of proteomics. Inspiring examples will be showcased regarding how this open data is being utilized by the scientific community as well as some insights on the upcoming challenges. This webinar discusses the latest trends in open data practices in proteomics with lecturer Dr. Juan Antonio Vizcaino, Proteomics Team Leader, European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) and panelists Dr. Tiannan Guo (host), Tenured Associate Professor, Westlake University and Dr. Deepti Jaiswal Kundu, Scientific Curator (PRIDE archive), EMBL-EBI.

Single Cell Webinar

May 2, 2023 – Bogdan Budnik (Harvard University) hosted the following speakers regarding several interesting Single Cell topics:

1. Vadim Demichev: “Using Slice-PASEF to maximise proteomics sensitivity.”

2. Manuel Matzinger: “High throughput single cell proteomics using ultrashort gradients and Wide-Window Acquisition to reach unprecedented proteome coverage and quantitative accuracy.”

3. Ben Osborn: ”Applying single cell proteomics to answer questions in human pharmacology”

4. Claudia Ctortecka: “Versatile and reproducible single-cell protein profiles define cell sub-populations at high throughput”

5. Sarah Parker: “Single Cell Proteomic Analysis of Complex Tissue: Case study in the Aorta”

ETC Webinar Series:  Writing - The Key to Funding Your Research

April 12, 2023 - Writing a successful grant application is hard work—regardless of your career level. This fourth HUPO Education and Training Committee (ETC) Auditorium webinar covers fundamental essentials of a successful research proposal, including choice of grant category, PI and collaborators/co-investigators in addition to writing style, organization, and documentation. Speaker: Dr. Susan Weintraub: Professor - Department of Biochemistry and Structural Biology, UT Health San Antonio. Panelists: Giuseppe Palmisano: Professor - Department of Parasitology, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil; Brian Searle: Assistant Professor - Department of Biomedical Informatics, State Ohio University Medical.

ECR Online Panel:  Exploring Non-Academic Career Pathways

April 5, 2023 - ECR Online Panel - Interested in proteomics? Considering a non-academic career? Starting a career in the industry or publishing world? Join the panel while they discuss the exploration of non-academic pathways in proteomics. Panelists include: Dr. Chris Rose, Scientist and Postdoc Mentor, Genentech; Dr. Lindsay Pino, Co-founder and CTO, Talus Bio; Dr. Maria Polychronidou, Senior Scientific Editor, Molecular Systems Biology, EMBO Press.

ETC Webinar Series:  Career Advancement is Dependent on Paper Writing

March 2, 2023 - Prof. Ruedi Aebersold shares his views and experience regarding “scientific writing and publishing” and scientific communications. This webinar presentation highlights the importance of writing in a scientific career, comment on the scientific journal landscape and how to navigate it and discuss aspects of efficient scientific writing and common pitfalls.

March 2, 2023 - Prof. Ruedi Aebersold shares his views and experiences regarding "scientific writing and publishing" and scientific communications. This webinar presentation highlights the importance of writing in a scientific career, comment on the scientific journal landscape and how to navigate it and discuss aspects of efficient scientific writing and common pitfalls.Next webinar in this series is planned for Spring 2023 - stay tuned for more details in March 2023.

ETC Webinar Series:  The essence of Data Visualization

January 31, 2023 - This is the second HUPO Education and Training Committee (ETC) Auditorium with speaker Martin Krzywinski. Martin Krzywinski works in bioinformatics, data visualization, science communication and the interface of science and art. He applies design, both data and artistic, to assist discovery, explanation and engagement with scientific data and concepts. Martin’s information graphics have appeared in the New York Times, Wired, Scientific American and covers of numerous books and scientific journals such as Nature and Genome Research. He is going to elaborate on how small changes to critical elements can turn a muddled figure into one that is clear and concise.

ECR Online Panel:  Science Communication - Who, How, Where and Why?

November 16, 2022 – Effective science communication has ripple effects through all aspects of society. But how do you convey clear and concise messages? What is the best way to get these messages across a wide range of platforms? See and hear the answers to all of these questions and more during this webinar. Panelists include: Dr. David Tabb, Institut Pasteur; Dr. Ann Van der Jeugd, Leuven Brain Institute; Dr. Ben Orsburn, Johns Hopkins University.

ETC Webinar Series:  Write, Write, Write - Professor John Yates on Academic Writing

November 2, 2022 - A 40-minute lecture plus 35-minute Q&A. Professor Yates elaborates on the 3 pillars of academic writing: mechanics, style and content, followed by interactive and animated panel discussions: Where should we start writing? What journals should we aim for? What if English is not your native language? Who should be the corresponding author? And so much more - all in this episode.

HUPO B/D-HPP Single Cell Initiative 

October 26, 2022 - The Single Cell Proteomics Initiative organized the first webinar about the current state of single cell proteomics with prominent people in the field. The webinar covered different platforms for both single cell preparations and a wide variety of single cell analysis platforms. Next webinar in this series is planned for Spring 2023 - stay tuned for more details in March 2023. 

ECR Online Panel:  Managing Expectations with a Supervisor

September 29, 2021 - In partnership with the European Proteomics Association’s Young Proteomics Investigators Club (YPIC), the HUPO ECR Initiative hosted its second online panel discussion on September 27th at 10AM EDT (2PM UTC). Our panelists, Dr. Kathryn Lilley (University of Cambridge), Dr. Tharan Srikumar (Bruker), and Dr. Lindsay Pino (Talus Bio), shared their insights on managing expectations between a supervisor and oneself, which sparked lively conversations with attendees in the audience. Thank you to everyone who attended, our panelists, and our panel chair, Andreas Hober (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)!

B/D-HPP Webinar -PTM in Human Diseases

June 9, 2021 - In 2021 a stellar cast of leading experts from around the world showcased cutting-edge approaches for investigating protein post-translational modifications in disease research. Hear what the following experts had to say on the subject - Dr. Nicki Packer, Dr. Boris Macek, Dr. Claire Eyers, Dr. Andy Tao, Dr. Alexey Nesvizhskii, and Dr. Stacy Malaker.

ECR Online Panel:  Promoting Diversity in Proteomics

June 1, 2021 - In partnership with the European Proteomics Association’s Young Proteomics Investigators Club (YPIC), the HUPO Early Career Researcher Initiative hosted its first online panel discussion on May 17th at 7PM EDT (GMT-4/New York Time). Our panelists, Dr. Yu-Ju Chen (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Dr. Renã A. S. Robinson (Vanderbilt University, USA), and Dr. Robert Rivers (National Institutes of Health, USA), shared their insights on the importance of promotion of diversity in proteomics, which sparked lively conversations with attendees in the audience.