

30 Mar 2021 4:16 PM | Deleted user

Sanjeeva Srivastava, IIT Bombay, India

The flourishing field of advanced multi-omics technologies opened new avenues for understanding health and disease biology, specifically identifying disease-specific biomarkers and developing potential therapies. Among all multi-omics technologies, Proteomics has time and again proved vital to provide insight into disease pathology. The workflow of designing a proteomics experiment and making sense out of that data is always challenging, especially for beginners in the field.

To aid these scientists and students, Prof. Sanjeeva Srivastava from IIT Bombay, in collaboration with DST, India, organized a two weeks’ workshop on ‘Basics and Advanced Proteomics Approaches Workshop’ from 15th to 26th February 2021 to spread the knowledge in high throughput proteomics technologies and the data analysis strategies using advanced software like- MaxQuant, Proteome Discoverer, MetaboAnalyst and Reactome.

This event was a success due to the eminent scientists and experts from the industry from India and Abroad who shared their research experience, knowledge, and expertise in that field. In addition to that, Participants, mainly faculties from different universities/ institutions of India, made the workshop more interactive rather than lecture series. All participants were provided some group projects to make them more confident in data analysis and to build collaboration between them in the near future.

The first week of the workshop was conducted to enlighten the participants’ knowledge in MS-based proteomics, various approaches of quantitative proteomics like- gel-free and gel-based proteomics, and acquaint them with software for primary proteomic data analysis. In the morning sessions, plenary speakers including Prof. Marc Wilkins, Matthias Ulhén, Bernhard Küster, and Prof. Mark Baker, other eminent scientists including Prof. Surekha Zingde, Utpal Tatu, Mathias Wilhelm, Anthony Purcell gave an insightful talk on various aspects of proteomics and its applicability in clinical research. The afternoon sessions were designed to give the participants a hands-on experience in sample preparation for quantitative proteomics, including protein extraction and digestion, sample run in the mass spectrometer, monitoring of sample run, and primary and secondary analysis of proteomics data. The second week of the workshop was designed to introduce participants to the high throughput proteomics technologies like targeted proteomics, label-free biosensors like SPR, BLI, protein microarray, and network analysis to infer the biological significance from the MS data. In this week, participants got the opportunity to hear from esteemed scientists and researchers in the proteomics field Prof. Xiaobo Yu, Prof. Henning Hermjakob, Dr. Jau-song Yu, Dr. Suman Thakur. This week was more enriched with tech-talks; Mr. Michael Johnson, Dr. Rodrigo Barderas, Dr. Tian-Hua Wang, Dr. Debadeep Bhattacharyya shared their research work and the developed techniques to elevate the proteomic research. The major attraction of the second week was the group project which made participants more familiar with handling the mass spectrometric data.

Nowadays, it has become essential to upgrade us with current trends and advances in proteomics technologies to facilitate the translation of lab research to clinics. Herewith, this two weeks long workshop gave the participants an insight to use these high-throughput proteomics technologies for the progression of the clinical research.

All the workshop recordings are available at Proteomics Workshop YouTube video playlist link: