
ECR Manuscript Competition - Interviews with 2022 Finalists

29 Mar 2023 1:37 PM | Anonymous

The manuscript competition is a great opportunity for early career researchers to showcase their work. Each year three finalists are selected to present their manuscripts in a plenary session during HUPO’s world congress. We reached out to last year’s finalists and asked a few questions to learn about their experience in the competition at HUPO 2022 in Cancun, Mexico. Take a look at what they had to say.

Ling Hao’s Interview:

Dr. Ling Hao was a finalist in the 2022 HUPO ECR manuscript competition, for which she presented her work: Thiol-Cleavable Biotin for Chemical and Enzymatic Biotinylation and its Application to Mitochondrial TurboID Proteomics in a plenary session. We asked a few questions to Dr. Hao about her experience in the competition. Read what she had to say below!

What is your current position and affiliation?

I am an Assistant Professor of Chemistry in the George Washington University in Washington, DC, USA. 

How would you like your work to contribute to the field of proteomics?

I hope that our research work can lead to both proteomics method advancements and a deeper understanding of molecular mechanisms of brain diseases. I also hope to support students and postdocs through classroom teaching and individual mentoring, so that they can enjoy research and pursue their dream careers in the proteomics field. 

How was your experience and what did it mean to you to present your work at the HUPO World Congress?

It was a tremendous honor and encouragement to present our research during the 2022 HUPO ECR manuscript competition and also be selected as the HUPO Rising Star Award. I received a lot of valuable feedback to improve our research work. I felt much empowered to continue our research, pushing our science forward and supporting young researchers in the field. 

What have you found in the HUPO community/congress?

I deeply appreciate and value both the exciting science and supportive environment in the HUPO community. My proteomics journey started when I was a graduate student in Prof. Lingjun Li's group in University of Wisconsin-Madison. Learning how cutting-edge proteomics techniques were developed to advance diverse aspects of human health (both in the Li Lab and during HUPO Congress) were eye-opening experiences. During the 2022 HUPO Congress, I learned about the exciting new pi-hub project as the proteomic navigator of the human body. I was also super impressed by how amazing and supportive the HUPO ECR group is. 

Wout Bittremieux’s Interview:

Dr. Wout Bittremieux was a finalist and first prize winner in the 2022 HUPO ECR manuscript competition. He presented his work on:  A learned embedding for efficient joint analysis of millions of mass spectra.

What is your current position and affiliation?

I recently started as an assistant research professor at the University of Antwerp, Belgium.

How would you like your work to contribute to the field of proteomics?

Building on recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence that have led to disruptive advances across many scientific domains, my career is oriented towards developing powerful computational solutions to uncover novel biological and biomedical insights from proteomics data.

What have you found in the HUPO community/congress?

HUPO has an extremely vibrant and welcoming community. I was especially impressed by the various dedicated activities for early career researchers, as well as the open and friendly atmosphere throughout the entire conference.

How was your experience/what did it mean to present your work at HUPO? 

The HUPO 2022 World Congress was my first time attending the HUPO meeting and I had a blast. With engaging discussions in the Bioinformatics Hub, an exciting scientific program, participating in the ECR Manuscript Competition, and even a little bit of beach time in between, HUPO 2022 was the year's highlight.

Ready to apply? Click here to learn more about how you can submit your work for the competition.