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C-HPP Activities at HUPO 2018 in Orlando, Flordia

23 Aug 2018 4:51 PM | Deleted user
Péter Horvatovich, University of Groningen, Netherlands

The C-HPP has major scientific activities planned for the HUPO 2018 congress in Orlando (Florida, USA) between September 30 - October 3, 2018 as well with pre- and post-congress days organized on Sunday September 30 and Thursday, October 4. On pre-congress day, the C-HPP will participate in the HPP Investigators Program, with C-HPP activity overviews and reporting, discussion of C-HPP 2.0 plans and goals, discussion of collaboration with B/D-HPP and resource pillars, presentation of the current status of public proteomics databases and exploration of the “Dark Proteome”. During the congress, C-HPP will be actively involved in Bioinformatics Hub and we encourage members to attend the Morning parallel sessions (10:30-12:20) as follows “Partnering with Pathology Towards Precision Medicine” (Monday), “Metabolic Remodelling and Human Disease” (Tuesday), Human Chemosensation: Olfaction, Taste and Sight (Wednesday), and Afternoon parallel sessions (14:00-15:50): “Targeting the Proteome in Women's Health” (Monday), “Harnessing the Immune System to Fight Disease” (Tuesday), “Unravelling Tissue Pathology Through Cell Mapping” (Wednesday).

The Thursday HPP Day Post-Congress Program will consist of discussion of current (C-)HPP status and future goals such as new strategies to identify the difficult 10% remaining of the human proteome missing proteins, dynamic of protein interactions, identification and functional annotations of PTMs, translational Clinical Proteomics and use of emerging technologies such as CRISPR/Cas9 and proteogenomics data integration.

The congress program is available on the congress website here, as well as on the C-HPP Wiki here.

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