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Industrial Advisory Board (IAB)

The HUPO Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) is comprised of industry partners engaged in the field of proteomics. IAB member companies meet regularly to provide valuable input on technology and product innovation to the HUPO Council and its Executive Committee for the benefit of members and to identify industry trends that will position HUPO to meet the future challenges of its partners and organization.

Membership in the IAB  facilitates communication and input between industry partners to support the proteomics community and to recognize these partners as HUPO affiliates. HUPO supports industry allies active in the development of innovative technologies and appropriate standards that are responsive to the constant changes in the scientific proteomics environment.

Join Today

If your company is interested in joining, please contact the HUPO Office by email or download the IAB Membership Form.

Member Company Benefits

  • Exposure, recognition and promotion throughout the international proteomics community as a supporting HUPO Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) member.
  • An opportunity to shape the future of HUPO and the exposure/benefits to IAB members through input and feedback at the monthly IAB meetings.
  • Annual HUPO memberships for two company representatives (value $200).
  • Global exposure in the “IAB Member Spotlight” section of the monthly HUPOST newsletter (6,000+ circulation).
  • Advance receipt and review of the world congress sponsorship and exhibit prospectus.
  • The right to first choice of sponsorships and exhibit spaces at the world congress.
  • Member registration fee rate at the world congress.
  • World-wide recognition via the IAB member page on the HUPO website with hyperlinks to each company.
  • Direct connection to proteomics individuals around the world, via various HUPO committees including IAB representation on the Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee, the Education & Training Committee (ETC) and the Marketing and Outreach Committee (MOC).
  • IAB member logos (with hyperlinks) noted on every page of the HUPO website.
  • Organization of the ‘Technology’ sessions at the world congress: selection of the keynote speakers and session chairs, review of the submitted abstracts and vote on the abstracts to be presented during the sessions. Chairs of the session may be IAB representatives.
  • Oversight of the Science and Technology Award; IAB representatives solicit and vet nominees; award recipient presented with the award at the world congress.
  • Direct contact with the HUPO Executive Committee and world congress organizers through monthly meetings via the IAB Chair, HUPO Vice President and Congress Organizing Committee representatives.
  • IAB invitation to the President’s Reception at the world congress providing extended exposure and networking opportunities with internationally renowned proteomics specialists.
  • IAB representation on the Congress Organizing Committee.
  • IAB member promotion on signage at the world congress.
  • IAB member logos highlighted in the HUPO booth at the world congress.
  • A voice at the IAB world congress wrap-up meeting to provide feedback and suggestions to shape future year congresses.
  • Complimentary Job Board listings for IAB companies including an opportunity to highlight internships and other IAB company opportunities (value $200 per listing).
  • And much, much more!

Eligibility and Dues

  • HUPO welcomes both small and larger companies to take part and assist HUPO in moving its initiatives and responsibilities forward to the benefit of all members both academic and industrial. With HUPO's strong link with industry, the goal is to ensure that technologies are disseminated rapidly and that HUPO members can directly access a like-minded industrial committee.
  • Proteomics product/service distributors/manufacturers; or pharmaceutical or biotech companies with a proteomics disciplinary focus.
  • Payment of annual dues is USD $3,000; start up companies (less than 20 employees) USD $2,000.

    Leadership and Composition

    • Co-chaired by the HUPO Vice President and an elected IAB representative. The term for co-chair service is two years.
    • Two representatives per IAB member company (one from science and one from marketing.)

    The Human Proteome Organization is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit organization registered in the state of New Mexico.  |  © 2001-2022 HUPO. All rights reserved. 

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