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  • 17 Mar 2025 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    The HUPOST March 2025 issue is here!

    Featuring: 2025 Congress Updates, ETC Webinars, News from the ECR Committee & Much More!

  • 05 Mar 2025 1:10 PM | Anonymous

    The HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) initiative is proud to present an award to recognize rising stars and leaders in the field of proteomics. This career achievement award is designed to recognize early career researchers who have had an exceptional impact on the proteomics field and community. This impact can take the shape of publications, patents obtained, development of a commercial product, establishment of a course, training program, workshop or any other contributions or service to the field of proteomics. The winner of the award will give a short presentation during the closing ceremony of HUPO 2025 and take home a cash prize of USD $500.

    Nominations are open to all HUPO members who have accumulated at most 5 years after their Ph.D. defense, by the application deadline. Ph.D. Career interruptions and leaves, such as parental leaves, will be taken into account to extend the eligibility period. Candidates can self-nominate or be nominated, by a supervisor, a colleague, a superior, a client, a collaborator, etc. The person nominating the candidate can be anybody that has been positively impacted or has witnessed the positive impact of the nominee.

    Eligibility criteria: Open to HUPO members who have accumulated at most 5 years after their Ph.D. defense, by the application deadline. Ph.D. Career interruptions and leaves, such as parental leaves, will be taken into account to extend the eligibility period.

    Nomination Process: Candidates can self-nominate or be nominated, by a supervisor, a colleague, a superior, a client, a collaborator, etc. The person nominating the candidate can be anybody that has been positively impacted or has witnessed the positive impact of the nominee.

    Application Package: Short description of nominee’s career stage, most significant contributions, how the contributions impact the field of proteomics, the breadth of the contributions and their originality.

    Selection Criteria: Award is given based on the overall career achievements of the nominee, whether those are publications, patents obtained, development of a commercial product, establishment of a course, training program, or workshop. 60% of the score is based on the impact of the nominee on the field or community and the other 40% on the originality and breadth of the contributions to the field or community.

    Prize: Cash Prize of USD $500. The award will be given at HUPO 2025 and accompanied by a short talk. The winner will be asked to provide a short biosketch and a headshot photograph for publication and advertising purposes.

    Applications open soon.

  • 05 Mar 2025 12:47 PM | Anonymous


    The HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) initiative invites all graduate students and postdocs to participate in the Poster Competition at HUPO 2025 happening November 9 - 13 in Toronto, Canada. Showcase your work to win awards and cash prizes!

    Eligibility criteria: All graduate students (Master's and PhD) and postdocs can apply for the competition upon abstract submission for HUPO 2025. Applicants must be HUPO members.

    How to Apply: During the abstract submission procedure for HUPO 2025, Master’s students, PhD students, and postdocs must indicate if they want to also participate in the poster competition.

    Selection criteria: 15 posters in each category (graduate students and postdocs) will be pre-selected based on quality, novelty, and potential impact of their abstracts. Presenters of selected posters will be notified before the conference.

    On-site evaluation: Posters will be visited by evaluators during the poster sessions at HUPO 2025.

    Prize: $500 will be awarded to the winner and $300 to the runner-up in both the graduate student and postdoc competitions.

    Visibility: The award winners will be highlighted during the HUPO 2025 Closing Ceremony & Awards Session.

  • 05 Mar 2025 12:07 PM | Anonymous

    Have you published an original research article in the last year? Submit your work to the HUPO Early Career Researcher Manuscript Competition, sponsored by Taylor and Francis, for a chance to present your work at HUPO 2025 in Toronto, Canada! This competition is a unique opportunity for early career researchers to gain visibility within the broader proteomics community.

    We encourage early career researchers - postdoctoral fellows, young clinicians, and junior faculty - with a publication or accepted manuscript in the 2024 and 2025 calendar years to participate. Three finalists will be selected to present their work in a dedicated plenary session at HUPO 2025, where an expert committee will determine the 'Proteomics Highlight of the Year' by an early career researcher.

    Eligibility criteria: This competition is intended for postdoctoral fellows (Ph.D. degree awarded post January 2019), junior faculty members (appointment post January 2021 and PhD awarded post January 2013), and young clinicians (M.D. degree awarded post January 2018). Applicants must be HUPO members. Career interruptions and leaves, such as parental leave, will be considered to extend the eligibility period. Finalists from previous years are not eligible to participate.

    Publication criteria: The applicant must have contributed significantly to the publication as the first or last (or shared first/last) author. The publication must be an original research article. Review articles will not be considered for this competition. The publication must have been accepted or printed for publication at the time of submission for the competition but must not have been published before January 1, 2024. Manuscripts that were posted on bioRxiv and other preprint servers prior to submission will be considered.

    How to Apply: A complete application must include the documents listed below. Send completed applications by email to

    1. Single publication file as a pdf (including the supplementary information, if it applies):
      • The manuscript must be an original research article and the applicant must have contributed significantly to the concept and/or experimental work and/or data analysis (first, co-first, corresponding or co-corresponding author). 
    • The publication must have been accepted and/or printed for publication at the time of submission to the competition, but not before January 1, 2024.
    • The publication must be in English.

    2. A short statement (300 words maximum) in which the applicant describes the novelty and impact of the publication on the field of proteomics.

    Deadline to apply: March 28, 2025

  • 05 Mar 2025 11:22 AM | Anonymous


    The scientific program features keynote and invited speakers from around the world covering innovation within proteomics themes of single-cell/cell-type, interactions and modifications, technological advances, climatic resiliency, crops and agriculture, unconventional plants, and artificial intelligence in plant discovery. 

    Find registration details here and an overview of the program here!

  • 13 Feb 2025 5:59 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The HUPOST February 2025 issue is here! Featuring:

    2025 Congress Updates,

    Call for the 2025 HUPO Early Career Researcher Manuscript Competition Submissions,

    New Webinar News from the Education Committee

    & Much More!

  • 29 Jan 2025 11:00 AM | Anonymous
    The 30th C-HPP Workshop was held on November 29 in Guangzhou, China. 11 speakers from 5 countries presented their most recent work in the program that was topical and provocative. The meeting was well attended with 353 attendees (male:female ratio was 2:3 and the speakers 7:4) ensuring long and deep questions and discussion after all talks. In the workshop, we discussed novel proteoforms from sORF-encoded peptides, lncRNA-encoded dark proteome, and new splice isoforms, AI approaches in proteomics, and proteomic application in clinical treatment. Three talks were on the AI focus of the meeting, including the artificial neural network for glycopeptide classification, using generative AI to provide dynamical models on spatiotemporal single-cell omics data, and real-time peptide identification using end-to-end deep learning method.

  • 29 Jan 2025 10:52 AM | Anonymous

    The 29th C-HPP Workshop was held on October 20 in Dresden, Germany. We acknowledged each of the chromosome teams' contributions and their recent reorganization and equalization of team leadership male-to-female ratios and now with ECR representation on each team. Commemorative plaques were presented to each of the chromosome team leaders, echoing the presentation of plaques in 2010 after the start of the CHPP.

  • 29 Jan 2025 10:06 AM | Anonymous

    The ECR Committee is pleased to welcome new members from all over the world. They will play key organizing roles in ECR activities such as mentoring sessions, networking events, online panel discussions, competitions, and more. Read their short biographies to get to know more about them.

    Maximilian Wulf

    Max is a postdoctoral researcher at the Medizinisches Proteom-Center of the Ruhr-University Bochum and is involved in several research projects on the application of proteomic techniques (especially spatial and few cell proteomics) in neurobiological contexts. In his Ph.D. thesis, he investigated the proteome of neuromelanin granules in postmortem brain samples from donors with Parkinson's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. Part of this work was awarded the "Wissenschaftspreis 2023" by the German Parkinson and Movement Disorders Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Parkinson und Bewegungsstörungen e.V.), which recognizes significant contributions to Parkinson's disease research by early-career researchers. In addition to his research interests, Max is passionate about teaching proteomics to undergraduate students, collaborating with other early-career researchers from different disciplines, and communicating advances in proteomics to a wider audience.

    Ihor Arefiev

    Ihor is an MSc student in Biochemistry at the University of Sherbrooke. His project is focused on finding evidence of non-canonical proteins translation in mouse testes. He is excited to become an active member of the HUPO ECR Committee and is eager to be involved in the organization of the HUPO World Congress.

    Valeriia Vasylieva

    Valeriia is an MSc student at Sherbrooke University in the MABLAB group. Their focus is on tackling challenges in discovering the noncanonical proteins. She recently started her journey in proteomics and is excited by the field. She is eager to contribute to the HUPO ECR Committee to give back to the community, gain transversal skills, and meet amazing people.

  • 29 Jan 2025 9:23 AM | Anonymous

    The HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee is pleased to announce a call for the 11th anniversary of the ECR Manuscript Competition, sponsored by Taylor and Francis, at HUPO 2025 taking place November 9 - 13, in Toronto, Canada. The Manuscript Competition is a unique opportunity for early career researchers to gain visibility in the proteomics community, as it serves as a platform to highlight the invaluable contributions that postdoctoral fellows, young clinicians, and junior faculty members make to the proteomics field.

    We encourage early career proteomics researchers to participate in this competition with an already published or accepted manuscript during the 2024 and 2025 calendar years. Three finalists will be selected to present their publications in a dedicated plenary session at HUPO 2025, where an expert committee will evaluate the oral presentations to determine the “Proteomics Highlight of the Year” by an ECR.

    Eligibility criteria: This competition is intended for postdoctoral fellows (Ph.D. degree awarded post January 2019), junior faculty members (appointment post January 2021 and PhD awarded post January 2013), and young clinicians (M.D. degree awarded post January 2018). Applicants must be HUPO members. Career interruptions and leave, such as parental leave, will be considered to extend the eligibility period. Finalists from previous years are not eligible to participate.

    Publication criteria: The applicant must have contributed significantly to the publication as the first or last (or shared first/last) author. The publication must be an original research article. Review articles will not be considered for this competition. The publication must have been accepted or printed for publication at the time of submission for the competition but must not have been published before January 1, 2024. Manuscripts that were posted on bioRxiv and other pre-print servers prior to submission will be considered.

    How to Apply: A complete application must include the documents listed below. Send completed applications by email to

    A single publication file as a pdf (including the supplementary information, if applicable) and 

    1. Single publication file as a pdf (including the supplementary information if it applies)
    • The manuscript must be an original research article, and the applicant must have contributed significantly to the concept and/or experimental            work and/or data analysis (first, co-first, corresponding or co- corresponding author)
    • The publication must have been accepted and/or printed for publication at the time of submission to the competition, but not earlier than January 1, 2024.
    • The publication must be in English.

    2.    A short statement (300 words maximum) in which the applicant describes the novelty and impact of the publication on the field of proteomics.

    Deadline to apply: March 28, 2025

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