Michelle Hill, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, and The University of Queensland, Australia
The 2018 post-HUPO congress HPP workshop kicked off with a new interactive session moderated by Rob Moritz, where selected senior and young investigators each had <5 minutes to share what they found most exciting during the entire HUPO congress. All speakers strove to beat Rob’s musical interlude, most were successful. The floor was then opened to all participants, with great diversity of inputs and interests. This new format was a refreshing and productive start to the workshop.
The HPP Town Hall Meeting session led by Fernando Corrales and Young-Ki Paik outlined the activities and goals for the B/D- and C- HPP, respectively. Mark Baker then presented his vision and strategic plan for the NextGen HPP, with input and discussions from the senior Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) members, Cathy Costello, John Yates and Naoyuki Taniguchi. Although the B/D- and C- HPP branches were organised for logistics in the first phase of HPP, synergistic efforts are being established between various B/D- and C- HPP teams. The SAB further challenged the NextGen HPP leadership team to aim for HPP integration in the coming years.
With the establishment of the Pathology pillar, HPP is inviting external interdisciplinary partners towards clinical translation. Steve Pennington and Henry Rodriguez shared their views and experiences on the strategies for successful international translational research. Finally, Mike Synder delivered insightful grand challenges for the entire field of proteomics.
The post-congress workshop ended on a high note with celebration of Gil Omenn’s leadership of HPP, with refreshments. The well-researched presentation by Mark Baker provided a rare insight to the talents and achievements of Gil.