Since the COVID-19 pandemic and related health risk world-wide poised travel restrictions, the C-HPP 23rd C-HPP Workshop in Russia was canceled. We hope that vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 viral infection will be available, which would ease travel restrictions by summer 2021. If so we hope our PIC members and all interested C-HPP members will join the next C-HPP Workshop to be held on June 28 – 30, 2021 in Busan, South Korea. The C-HPP EC will announce in due time the program on the HUPO, C-HPP Portal and C-HPP Wiki websites.
(C-)HPP achievement on completion of 90% of the Human Proteome with high stringency
The “Blueprint” paper of the draft human proteome by Adhikari et al of the HPP was published announcing the completion of 90% of the human proteome in time for HUPO Connect (
An Editorial by Chris Overall on the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of HUPO HPP. entitled "The HUPO High-Stringency Inventory of Humanity’s Shared Human Proteome Revealed", is available at the
Journal of Proteome Research (JPR) website.
A virtual Special Issue of the JPR was published on the
journal website which features a collection of 60 highly cited papers representing diverse teams, approaches, results, impact and progress on the HPP during the past 10 years.
The metric paper by Omenn et al. also highlights completion of >90% of the Human Proteome at the
JPR website and leads the JPR virtual Issue
C-HPP related program and highlights are available at C-HPP Wiki. The C-HPP EC wish you and for all your family to stay safe and healthy.