The HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) initiative is delighted to announce that once again this year it will hold its Poster Competition at HUPO Reconnect 2021 (November 15-19) thanks to the support of its sponsor: Molecular Omics.

This year, for the first time, the competition will be open to all graduate students (Master’s and Ph.D.) Eight presenters will be selected based on the excellence of their abstracts to give a short oral presentation on their poster at HUPO Reconnect 2021. A panel of judges will select the best presentations given at the conference, $300 (1st place) and $150 (2nd and 3rd place). Click here for more details about how to enter the competition.
The HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) initiative is delighted to announce that once again this year it will hold its Poster Competition at HUPO Reconnect 2021 (November 15-19) thanks to the support of its sponsor: Molecule Omics. This year, for the first time, the competition will be open to all graduate students (Master’s and Ph.D.) Eight presenters will be selected based on the excellence of their abstracts to give a short oral presentation on their poster at HUPO Reconnect 2021. A panel of judges will select the best presentations given at the conference, $300 (1st place) and $150 (2nd and 3rd place).
How to enter:
Select to enter the graduate students Poster Competition when asked on the form.
Upload to the form the supporting documentation to confirm student status (e.g., student registration confirmation or letter from supervisor).
Send a short text (maximum five sentences) describing the main achievements of your work to Subject of your email should be:
HUPO Reconnect 2021 graduate students Poster Competition – YOUR NAME
The presenting first author (or co-first author) must be a Graduate Student.
Finalists will be notified before the end of September – beginning of October 2021.
For queries on the competition please contact Chelsea Prangnell at