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ECR Mentoring Sessions at HUPO ReCONNECT 2021 were a smashing success!

26 Nov 2021 1:26 PM | Deleted user

Written by Emily Hashimoto-Roth, University of Ottawa, Canada

The HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) Initiative hosted three mentoring sessions throughout the HUPO ReCONNECT 2021 Main Congress. These sessions covered a diverse array of topics with the hopes of engaging and informing trainees and early career researchers alike and featured influential speakers. 

How to successfully balance a personal life while in academia (November 15, 2021)

The mentoring sessions were kicked off with the ever-popular topic of maintaining a healthy work-life balance while in academia. This important session, which was chaired by Maurine Fucito (D'Annunzio University of Chieti–Pescara) and Dr. Blandine Chazarin (Cedars-Sinai Hospital), featured Dr. Christine Carapito (University of Strasbourg), Dr. Harry Whitwell (Imperial College London), and Dr. Jennifer Geddes-McAlister (University of Guelph), all of whom gave invaluable insights and advice on this challenging issue. The audience came with questions at-the-ready for the panel of mentors, from starting families as early career researchers to setting up boundaries to preserve one’s personal life (and not feeling guilty about it!).

Scientific Integrity (November 17, 2021)

The second mentoring session focused on scientific integrity. During this session, which was chaired by Andreas Hober (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) and Emily Hashimoto-Roth (University of Ottawa), early career researchers had the pleasure of listening to Dr. Suzanne Farley (PLOS), Dr. Anne-Claude Gingras (Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute), and Dr. Stephen Pennington (University College Dublin), sharing their experiences from both the publishing and research perspectives. Their presentations were followed by an engaging discussion, highlighting the responsibilities the research community must uphold to prevent scientific misconduct and promote transparency throughout the entire research process.

Getting started on writing manuscripts, grants, and fellowships (November 19, 2021)

The nuances of writing in all its forms were covered in the final mentoring session sponsored by the Journal of Proteome Research and chaired by Dr. Mio Iwasaki (Kyoto University), Dr. Justyna Fert-Bober (Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute) and Dr. Robert Rivers (National Institutes of Health). Dr. Rebekah Gundry (University of Nebraska) and Dr. Yasushi Ishihama (Kyoto University) graced the audience with a plethora of advice for writing, proofreading, and critically assessing one’s writing pieces. These talks were only bolstered by Dr. Zhengzheng Zhang’s input, an editor at Molecular Omics. The audience came alive with questions and a quick poll at the end of the session revealed that attendees felt inspired to get writing!

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