Written by Chris Overall, C-HPP Chair, Canada
C-HPP Virtual Principal Investigators Meeting, November 12, 2021, the HPP day, HUPO ReConnect
The election results were announced for the EC of the C-HPP. The new Co-Chair of the C-HPP will be Dr Je-Yoel Cho (2022-2024), who will replace Dr Young Ki Paik. Dr Cho is at the Seoul National University and is the Leader of the Chromosome 9 team. We look forward to his contributions and leadership in the next three years. Dr Je-Yoel Cho will join Lydie Lane (2021-2023) as Co-Chair and Chris Overall as Chair of the C-HPP (2022-2024).
Another new face for the C-HPP EC member at large for 2022-2024 is Dr Gong Zhang from the Institute of Life and Health Engineering, Jinan University, China and who is also the new leader of the Chromosome 8 Team. Peter Horvatovich is again the Secretary General (2020-2022) and member at large, as is Gilberto Domont (2022-2024) and Chris Overall is the continuing Chair of the C-HPP.
We were pleased to announce that a Danish team has joined the C-HPP with Dr Ulrich auf dem Keller, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) leading the new Danish Chromosome 21 team. Finally, Chromosome 22 has a new leader from a newly forming Israeli team, Dr Oded Kleifeld, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.
Tribute to Young-Ki Paik
Dr Young-Ki Paik with Prof. Sam Hanash coordinated and pioneered the launch of HUPO, 20 years ago, at a time when many scientists did not even know what proteomics was. In particular, the HPP has been the flagship project of HUPO under his leadership and coordination. As President of HUPO Young-Ki played a key role in initiating the C-HPP initiative and developing the concept of individual countries taking ownership of characterizing the protein coding genes in a selected chromosome. The concept allowed the development of a global initiative and facilitated funding of individual projects with a clear country ownership and a strong sense of local achievements. Young-Ki was always superbly organized and strategic as illustrated by the publication in Nature biotechnology of two of the early papers defining the C-HPP initiative. He has made major contributions through his leadership, recruitment of team members, EC members, convening C-HPP workshops, hosting the C-HPP Portal, raising funding support through the Korean Government, and he has tirelessly participated as a Guest Editor of the JPR Special Issue every year. More recently, he was instrumental in his visionary project to functionalize proteins with no known or inferred function, the CP-50 initiative in the C-HPP. The importance of this concept is now being expanded as a new HPP-wide Grand Challenge to functionalise the entire human proteome. He has published extensively on the HPP, the C-HPP and his own results and data in finding MPs and uPE1s, and so much more, including being a personal inspiration. Throughout all these achievements, Young-Ki has expanded and guided the C-HPP and brought in new teams and leadership and nurtured their continuing growth and development of the C-HPP, all with humility and great modesty. He will be sorely missed. Enjoy your well-deserved retirement Young-Ki.
neXT-MP50 and neXt-CP50 Reports
The neXT-MP50 and neXt-CP50 Reports are posted on the C-HPP Portal and the C-HPP wiki.
neXtProt Support
neXt-Prot needs you! Without support the official database of the HPP will close in the next two tears. Become a sponsor or enter a service contract to assist your projects here. Please contact the Director of neXt-Prot, Dr Lydie Lane: lydie.lane(at)sb-sib.ch.
The Journal of Proteome Research Special Issue on the Human Proteome Project
Watch for the 9th Annual Special Issue on the HPP that will be published in the first few days of December. As a teaser, here is this year’s cover.