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Our HUPO, our community: contribute to the future of HUPO

08 Oct 2019 9:53 AM | Deleted user

Michelle Hill, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, and The University of Queensland, Australia

The laid-back city of Adelaide provided a relaxing backdrop for an intensive week of HUPO2019 - a big thank you and congratulations to the local organizing committee!

In addition to cutting edge science, HUPO Executives, HUPO Council and Presidents of National Proteomics Societies had extensive discussions on future strategies for HUPO. Several areas of development were identified, including:

  • Foster active HUPO community on social media.
  • Add value to HUPO membership and attract new members.
  • Inform the broader public on the importance of proteins.

It is envisaged that small groups of volunteers will drive specific tasks towards the identified goals, generally within short time frames. We would like to invite members with practical ideas and time to volunteer through this online form. Feedback on current barriers and potential drivers to increase the engagement can also be provided through the same.

Early Career Researchers (PhD students and postdocs) are particularly encouraged to help build our HUPO community!

The Human Proteome Organization is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit organization registered in the state of New Mexico.  |  © 2001-2022 HUPO. All rights reserved. 

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