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HUPO Early Career Researcher Initiative successfully launches new interactive panel series!

28 May 2021 4:33 PM | Deleted user

Written by Emily Hashimoto-Roth, University of Ottawa, Canada

In partnership with the European Proteomics Association’s Young Proteomics Investigators Club (YPIC), the HUPO Early Career Researcher Initiative hosted its first online panel discussion on May 17th at 7PM EDT (GMT-4/New York Time). Our panelists, Dr. Yu-Ju Chen (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Dr. Renã A. S. Robinson (Vanderbilt University, USA), and Dr. Robert Rivers (National Institutes of Health, USA), shared their insights on the importance of promotion of diversity in proteomics, which sparked lively conversations with attendees in the audience. Thank you to everyone who attended, our panelists, and our panel chair, Emily Hashimoto-Roth (University of Ottawa)!

Our next panel will cover managing expectations between a supervisor and oneself and be taking place in July. Stay tuned for more details and registration information!

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