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C-HPP Workshop on “Characterizing the Building Blocks of the Human Proteome”

31 Jan 2024 8:51 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The C-HPP is holding a workshop Madrid, Spain, at the National Center for Biotechnology, CSIC, Campus of the University Autónoma of Madrid, Darwin, 3, Spain.

A workshop hotel is being organized where registrants can book and cover their own accommodation. The hotel will be near the train station for a short 15-minute ride to the University Autónoma.

Registration and most meals and coffee are free and we invite members of the C-HPP, B/D-HPP, and HPP to register as soon as possible to help with planning.



Wednesday, April 24

13:00-14:30 Welcome Lunch

Preworkshop Working Group on Protein Identification and Function Guidelines
(Chairs: Rob Moritiz + Charles Pineau)

14:30 – 16:30: Discussion on guidelines for (i) assigning protein function for the Grand Challenge, incorporating, (ii) With HUPO’s loss of support from neXtprot, also to be discussed will be a new repository for HPP progress on completing the Human Proteome Project and where the data will reside for functional annotation of the Human Proteome, (iii) SWATH/DIA data into the HPP.

16:30 Coffee

17:00 Finalize recommendations and action items on the three aims.

18:00 Dinner ad hoc in central Madrid, Tapas!

Thursday, April 25

Session One: Grand Challenge (Chairs Charles Pineau + Fernando Corrales)

9:00 Chris Overall. Welcome and outline of workshop.

9:15 Charles Pineau. C-HPP in Le Grand Challenge: (20 min + 10 mins)

9:45 General Discussion on the Grand Challenge and HPP Database Management

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 Gong Zhang(20 min + 10 mins): “Proteome-wide Functional Annotation Using Deep-Learning-based Protein Structures”.

12:00 Uwe Volker. Discussion Summary: Challenges in the Grand Challenge. (20 min + 10 mins)

12:30 - 14:00 Lunch

Session Two: Mission of the C-HPP (Chairs: Gong Zhang + Heeyoun Hwang)

14:00 Chris Overall. Outline of the C-HPP Mission Statement.

14:15 – 15:15 General Discussion on the C-HPP Mission Aims. Including gender and geographic diversity in the leadership of teams and EC, inactive teams/team renewal.

15:15 Yong-In Kim (Chr 9) (ECR) (15 min + 5 min): “Exploring Uncharacterized Proteins on Chromosome 9: Current Progress and Insight”

15:35 Alejandra Delgado (ECR) (15 min + 5 min): “Investigating the Function NDUFAF4 in the Context of Cholestasis”.

16:00 Much-needed coffee break

16:30 Sergio Encarnación-Guevara(20 min + 10 mins): “Chromosome 19: Progress in the characterization of proteins without assigned function.”

17:00 Heeyoun Hwang (20 min + 10 mins): “uPE1 Study with Cholangiocarcinoma and PDAC Proteome Data”

17:30 Rob Moritz (20 min + 10 mins): Collective Thoughts on the C-HPP Mission and Direction

18:00 Session Close

Retire to hotels to freshen up and then meet for aperos and dinner at a destination to be announced by Madrid Natives (Fernando).

Friday, April 26:

Session Three: Meeting the Challenge (Chairs Cecilia Lindskog + Sergio Encarnación-Guevara)

9:00 Cecilia Lindskog (Incoming Chair HPP): (20 min + 10 mins) “Solve the Protein Puzzle – The Grand Challenge to Understand the Different Pieces of the Human Proteome”

9:30 Min-Sik Kim (new Chr 13 Head, Korea): (20 min + 10 mins) “Breast Cancer Proteome and Chromosome 13”

10:00 Chris Overall (Chair C-HPP): (20 min + 10 mins) “Physiological vs. Pathological Functions of Proteins in the Grand Challenge”

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Frank Schmidt (new Head, Chr 21, Qatar Team): (20 min + 10 mins) “How can Olink Contribute to the HPP project?”

11:30 – 12:30 Open Discussion on technologies, approaches, and bioinformatics to meet the Grand Challenge.

12:30 Meeting Close

Campus Restaurant fine dining and departure.


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