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Keep an eye out for the HUPO Rising Star Award

05 Mar 2025 1:10 PM | Anonymous

The HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) initiative is proud to present an award to recognize rising stars and leaders in the field of proteomics. This career achievement award is designed to recognize early career researchers who have had an exceptional impact on the proteomics field and community. This impact can take the shape of publications, patents obtained, development of a commercial product, establishment of a course, training program, workshop or any other contributions or service to the field of proteomics. The winner of the award will give a short presentation during the closing ceremony of HUPO 2025 and take home a cash prize of USD $500.

Nominations are open to all HUPO members who have accumulated at most 5 years after their Ph.D. defense, by the application deadline. Ph.D. Career interruptions and leaves, such as parental leaves, will be taken into account to extend the eligibility period. Candidates can self-nominate or be nominated, by a supervisor, a colleague, a superior, a client, a collaborator, etc. The person nominating the candidate can be anybody that has been positively impacted or has witnessed the positive impact of the nominee.

Eligibility criteria: Open to HUPO members who have accumulated at most 5 years after their Ph.D. defense, by the application deadline. Ph.D. Career interruptions and leaves, such as parental leaves, will be taken into account to extend the eligibility period.

Nomination Process: Candidates can self-nominate or be nominated, by a supervisor, a colleague, a superior, a client, a collaborator, etc. The person nominating the candidate can be anybody that has been positively impacted or has witnessed the positive impact of the nominee.

Application Package: Short description of nominee’s career stage, most significant contributions, how the contributions impact the field of proteomics, the breadth of the contributions and their originality.

Selection Criteria: Award is given based on the overall career achievements of the nominee, whether those are publications, patents obtained, development of a commercial product, establishment of a course, training program, or workshop. 60% of the score is based on the impact of the nominee on the field or community and the other 40% on the originality and breadth of the contributions to the field or community.

Prize: Cash Prize of USD $500. The award will be given at HUPO 2025 and accompanied by a short talk. The winner will be asked to provide a short biosketch and a headshot photograph for publication and advertising purposes.

Applications open soon.

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