HUPO congratulates colleagues in the Moritz (Institute for Systems Biology) and the Aebersold (ETH Zurich) labs for their pivotal recent Cell paper “Human SRMAtlas: A Resource of Targeted Assays to Quantify the Complete Human Proteome” reported by Dr Ulrike Kusebauch – for free access until Sept 19, 2016.
In this remarkable work, the authors describe how the SRMAtlas provides definitive verified high-resolution spectra and multiplexed SRM assay coordinates and chromatographic peaks that identify 166,174 proteotypic peptides providing multiple, independent assays to quantify any human protein and numerous spliced variants, non-synonymous mutations, and post-translational modifications. SRMAtlas data are freely accessible as a resource at and the paper demonstrates the SRMAtlas’ utility by examining protein network responses to (i) inhibition of cholesterol synthesis, and (ii) docetaxel sensitivity. HUPO applauds the SRMAtlas triumph as this supports proteome-wide quantification, as well as novel biology and disease hypothesis-driven research. The SRMAtlas demonstrates that the road to understanding the complete Human Proteome is progressing full-steam ahead, despite a few intricacies, challenges and blind alleys.
HUPO forecasts the completion of the Human Proteome Project (HPP) requires: (i) high-quality, publicly available evidence for every expressed protein from the human genome; (ii) analyses of the various forms these proteins take; (iii) spatiotemporal cellular and tissue localization; (iv) protein interaction and structural biology data; (v) an understanding of the biology of proteins and their many isoforms; and (vi) detailed information about their quantitation and roles in human wellness and disease. This journey must be based upon freely accessible resources containing high-quality, communally-verified “big data”, so that we can navigate the proteome’s complexity. Revised 2016 Human Proteome Project metrics and guidelines are anticipated to be released soon.