HUPO 2017 Abstract Extension
Abstract submissions to the 16th Human Proteome Organization World Congress have been extended to 3 May 2017. Read more >
ECR Manuscript Competition
The Early Career Researcher (ECR) Initiative of the Human Proteome Organization is pleased to announce the 3rd ECR Manuscript Competition to take place at HUPO 2017 in Dublin! Deadline 5 June 2017. Read more >
PhD Abstract Competition
Once again, HUPO is holding a PhD Abstract Competition. 8 abstracts will be selected based on excellence to have a short oral presentation at HUPO 2017 in Dublin. Deadline 3 May 2017. Read more >
HUPO Elections
HUPO is seeking candidates to serve on the HUPO Council for three-year terms beginning January 2018 (2018-2020). We invite you to nominate yourself and other scientists from your region. Deadline 30 April 2017. Read more >

Editor's Note
Welcome to the new HUPOST! As Emma Lundberg, our much-appreciated outgoing Editor, announced in the previous HUPOST, we updated the format for 2017. Key points are now included in the email, and our circulation has broadened to reach an even wider audience. HUPOST’s frequency has also increased to every two months, alternating between a short and snappy overview of current news, and an extended version that covers interesting developments in the field of proteomics.
Speaking of interesting developments, allow me to remind you that the HUPO 2017 World Congress in Dublin on 17-21 September is now only 5 months away! Abstract submissions will now be accepted until 3 May, so you can still join us and share your latest work. I very much look forward to hearing about it, and to meeting you, on the Emerald Isle in September!
Meanwhile, enjoy the new HUPOST, and make sure to let us know at office@hupo.org when you have something to share! As always, you can find us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Cheers, Lennart Martens - HUPOST Editor
President's Message
There has never been a more exciting time for proteomics. We can rapidly measure thousands of molecules and posttranslational modifications, and there are large initiatives such as the Cancer Moonshot and Gene-Tissue Expression Project in which proteomics will make an important contribution. As technological advances continue proteomics will play an increasing role in large-scale influential projects.
A valuable part of all of these efforts is the Human Proteome Project (HPP; 1) which aims to map the proteome parts lists: protein coding genes, splice and allelic isoforms. It also aims to advance the proteomics of a wide range of human biology and disease, for example, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer. With respect to the latter, we are assembling a list of popular proteins for each major human disease (2).
The HUPOST is HUPO’s forum for disseminating advances in our field. We hope to keep the community abreast of the latest advances and technologies.
Cheers, Mike Snyder - HUPO President
1) Advances of the HUPO Human Proteome Project with broad applications for life sciences research. Omenn GS. Expert Rev Proteomics. 2017 Feb;14(2):109-111. doi: 10.1080/14789450.2017.1270763. Epub 2016 Dec 22. No abstract available. PMID: 27935328
Data-Driven Approach To Determine Popular Proteins for Targeted Proteomics Translation of Six Organ Systems. Lam MP, Venkatraman V, Xing Y, Lau E, Cao Q, Ng DC, Su AI, Ge J, Van Eyk JE, Ping P. J Proteome Res. 2016 Nov 4;15(11):4126-4134. Epub 2016 Jul 19. PMID: 27356587