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  • 04 Jul 2016 1:16 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    An interview with Professor Richard D. Semba, Johns Hopkins University

    Interview conducted by Marta González-Freire, Ph.D., Visiting Fellow, National Institute on Aging, and early career scientist working on skeletal muscle proteomics with Dr. Luigi Ferrucci, Scientific Director of the National Institute on Aging.

    Professor Richard D. Semba and Marta González-Freire, Ph.D

    González-Freire: You have been a faculty member at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine for your entire career. Your lab group was mostly focused on nutrition and immunology but you recently made a mid-career transition to proteomics and metabolomics. What happened?

    SEMBA: My lab was doing conventional immunology and nutritional biochemistry using conventional platforms such as ELISA, HPLC, and atomic absorption spectrometry. I would call this “normal science”, which by nature, is largely corroborative. The research was mostly validation of single biomarkers in large study cohorts of older adults. I became restless. Normal science offered little in terms of discovery and generating new hypotheses. Recent advances in proteomics, metabolomics, and mass spectrometry certainly caught my attention.

    González-Freire: How did you get started in proteomics?

    SEMBA: Your mentor, Dr. Ferrucci, introduced me to Jennifer Van Eyk. He urged me to try something different. I soon found myself back at the bench in Jenny’s lab to learn sample preparation for proteomics. Jenny’s enthusiasm, teaching, and guidance were a life-changing experience. She recommended that I take the intensive summer course in proteomics at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories. This influential course, run by Ileana Cristea and her colleagues, has launched the careers of many scientists in proteomics. And now Ileana has become a dear friend and collaborator.

    González-Freire: Did the promise of the field meet your expectations?

    SEMBA: Wow, maybe way beyond my expectations.

    González-Freire: Were there any surprises?

    SEMBA: Dealing with the sheer amount of data is a daunting challenge. The buzz in the field seems to center around detecting more and more proteins, but making sense of the biology compels one to read hundreds of papers. That is the bottleneck of the process.

    González-Freire: I notice your research interests include eye research, aging, nutrition in developing countries, and history of medicine. How did you end up working so broadly?

    SEMBA: I have academic attention deficit syndrome [laughing]. Somehow it all seems related to me. After my residency in ophthalmology, I worked in Indonesia on vitamin A deficiency, the leading cause of blindness in children. That links eye research with nutrition. Then I got interested in the relationship of micronutrient malnutrition with HIV/AIDS, so I worked many years in Malawi and Uganda doing clinical trials. In the meantime, I built up a nutritional biochemistry lab at Hopkins. I wanted to do more hypothesis-generating work, so I closed my work in Africa and started working on aging. The history of medicine relates to everything. I think scientists working in proteomics need to know J. J. Thomson, Francis Aston, and Dorothy Hodgkin.

    González-Freire: What are your big projects right now?

    SEMBA: We are using selected reaction monitoring (SRM) to characterize the relationship of the systemic complement pathway with age-related macular degeneration. Another application of SRM is to understand circulating proteoforms that are purportedly associated with aging, such as GDF8 and GDF11 and their circulating inhibitors. SRM should clarify the issue, since antibody and aptamer-based studies have yielded conflicting data.

    González-Freire: How do you think proteomics and metabolomics can contribute to global health?

    SEMBA: The work we just did on essential amino acids and child stunting overturned the widespread belief that children in developing countries receive adequate dietary protein. Children need quality protein in their diet, such as animal source foods. These results are already having an impact on approaches to child malnutrition.

    González-Freire: How do you think we can use proteomics to understand aging?

    SEMBA: Your GESTALT project at the National Institute on Aging is really important. You and Luigi are characterizing normative data on the proteome of many tissues, including skeletal muscle, across a wide age range of healthy individuals. This study will likely become the benchmark for proteomics in aging research.

    González-Freire: Who have been the most influential people in your career?

    SEMBA: The evolutionary biologist Charles Sibley played an important role in forming my own perspective on science. He had an ambitious project to construct the global phylogeny of birds using DNA. I worked for him as an undergraduate, helping him prepare a book. Then he sent me out to do fieldwork for a year in the Amazon in Peru and in the rainforests of Borneo – it was a rare experience. Our field team discovered three new species of birds to science: a hummingbird, a flycatcher, and a new genus of owl. The other influential scientist was Linda Fried, the expert on frailty and aging. We worked together for several years until she left to become dean at Columbia.

    González-Freire: What do you view as the ideal laboratory?

    SEMBA: Perhaps there is no such thing as the ideal laboratory. It depends on what you want to accomplish. My main focus is on the research, as I don’t have a large training program with dozens of graduate students and post-docs. I think clearly delineated research goals, a realistic lab schedule, clear communication, emphasis on papers and productivity, and investment in the career development of the people in your lab are paramount.

    González-Freire: What do you do to relax?

    SEMBA: I enjoy cooking for my friends. Food is sharing, sensory, symbolic, rich in social meaning, and forms the bond and social glue of our existence. I enjoy sharing meals and my cooking with friends from all walks of life. I swim about an hour every day. One of my biggest joys is classical piano. My favorites are Bach, Mozart, and Brahms.

    González-Freire: What kind of advice would you give to younger scientists that are forming their careers?

    SEMBA: Develop writing skills, a love of writing, and set ambitious goals to write and publish as many papers as possible. No paper is ever perfect, so don’t let perceived imperfection slow you down. Don’t procrastinate. Communicate clearly with your colleagues and mentors. Be responsive. Understand the history of your subject, as scientific disciplines and topics have their own trajectories. Luckily for you, the fields of proteomics and metabolomics are on the ascending trajectory, which promises a stimulating and productive career ahead of you.

  • 04 Jul 2016 1:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Yu-Ju Chen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

    While proteins are widely recognized as playing key roles in nearly all processes in living organisms, an odd debate arose about the role of protein in the diet of malnourished children in developing countries.

    Stunting affects about one-quarter of children under five years of age worldwide; the World Health Organization estimates that 156 million children were stunted in 2015, nearly all of whom live in low-income countries. Stunted growth is closely linked with impaired brain and organ growth and higher risks for obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases later in adulthood.  In the 1950s and 1960s, protein-rich food mixtures were the main focus of study as a treatment for malnutrition in children in developing countries. In 1974, a paper “The Great Protein Fiasco” published in The Lancet cast doubt upon the central role of protein in childhood malnutrition.  The focus in the international nutrition community shifted from proteins to micronutrient malnutrition, that is, lack of vitamins and minerals for the following four decades.

    A recent study of essential amino acids and child stunting challenged the widespread belief that children in developing countries receive adequate dietary protein.  The work led by Richard Semba from Johns Hopkins University was published in the April 2016 issue of the journal EBioMedicine. Semba and colleagues applied a targeted MRM-mass spectrometry-based metabolomics approach to measure serum levels of amino acids, as well as other essential compounds including glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids and other metabolites in blood samples from a community-based study of more than 300 children ages 1 to 5 years, more than 60 percent of whom had stunted growth, from six villages in rural southern Malawi. Participants’ height and weight were recorded by trained field workers. The main finding is that children with stunting had lower serum concentrations of all nine essential amino acids (tryptophan, isoleucine, leucine, valine, methionine, threonine, histidine, phenylalanine, lysine) compared with nonstunted children. In addition, stunted children had 10 to 40 percent lower concentrations of other nutritional markers, such as conditionally essential amino acids (arginine, glycine, glutamine), nonessential amino acids (asparagine, glutamate, serine) and six different sphingolipids, which are essential ingredients for development of the brain. Stunting was also associated with alterations in serum glycerophospholipid concentrations.

    Essential amino acids cannot be synthesized by the body. The richest sources of essential amino acids are animal-source foods, such as milk, eggs, and meat, and also soybeans. This study suggested that children need quality protein in their diet for normal growth. These results are stimulating new  recommendations and approaches to child malnutrition.  Semba and his colleagues hope that this research will prompt a broader discussion on how to address child malnutrition.

    “Providing high-quality protein with sufficient levels of essential amino acids in developing countries will be a major challenge and will require substantial investment in the agricultural sector,” says Semba (quoted from press release of John Hopkins University, February 23, 2016).

    This study challenges a long held paradigm about dietary protein for children in developing countries. Future studies are needed to address  how lack of essential amino acids affects biological pathways and contributes to the pathogenesis of child stunting. Let’s look forwards to more discoveries from the proteomic community.

    Dr. Lacey LaGrone and Malawi health workers measuring the length of a child at a rural health center.
    Photo credit: Indi Trehan

    Child Stunting is Associated with Low Circulating Essential Amino Acids (2016). EBioMedicine 6, 246–252.

  • 30 Jun 2016 10:03 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear HUPO Members,

    The  Nominations and Elections Committee of the Human Proteome Organization is pleased to announce the official slate of candidates for the HUPO Board of Directions (HUPO Council) election. HUPO wishes to express thanks to those candidates who are willing to stand for council election for a three-year term beginning in 2017 (2017-2019).

    The election period for HUPO Council is August 26-September 18. Again this year, the vote is conducted online. All active HUPO members will receive an email containing a secure election ID code. Electors simply click on the link provided and cast their anonymous votes. Election IDs will be emailed to all active HUPO members on August 25, 2016. If you join as a member after this date you will given an election ID.

    HUPO 2016 Slate of Candidates 

    • Central Region Candidates – click here
    • Eastern Region Candidates – click here
    • Western Region Candidates – click here
    • Diversity Candidates – click here

  • 30 Jun 2016 9:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Human Proteome Organization presents a number of distinguished awards annually at the World Congress. HUPO gratefully acknowledges the support of the Industrial Advisory Board, the Journal of Proteome Research (ACS Publications), and Elsevier as sponsors of three of these awards. The HUPO Executive Committee and the Awards Committee would like to thank all those who submitted nominations for the 2016 awards.

    It is with great enthusiasm that we present the 2016 HUPO Award Winners!  Please join us in congratulating these outstanding scientists on their accomplishments and contributions to the field of proteomics. The awards will be presented at HUPO 2016 in Taipei and the winners will present a talk during the congress award session.

    Distinguished Achievement in Proteomic Sciences (sponsored by the Journal of Proteome Research)

    Ralph Bradshaw, College of Medicine, University of California, Irvine, USA

    Discovery in Proteomic Sciences 

    Michael MacCoss, School of Medicine, University of Washington, USA

    Science and Technology Award (sponsored by the Industrial Advisory Board)

    Bob Bateman, Waters Corporation, Wilmslow, UK

    John Hoyes, Waters Corporation, Wilmslow, UK

    Translational Proteomics Award (sponsored by Elsevier)

    Joshua LaBaer, Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University, USA

  • 30 Jun 2016 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Read the Q2 HUPOST here! Q2 HUPOST – June 2016

    Want to contribute to a future newsletter? Please submit your information to the HUPO Office at

  • 22 Jun 2016 12:06 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Watch the documentary HERE 


    The completion of Human Genome Project was a major landmark achievement for the life sciences community. With genomics setting a foundation in the quest to uncover the mysteries of life and biology, what lies next? What are the prospects and challenges as we explore the post-genomic world?

    Proteins and proteomics are central to connect genomes with phenotypes and biological function. Proteomics provides a veritable foundation to address whole systems, and uses a broad unbiased approach to decipher post-genomic biology.

    This documentary portrays the journey of “Proteomics”, discusses its advancements, achievements and key issues that lay ahead. The first section of the documentary introduces the Post-genomic Era and establishes the necessity of proteomics. The second section focuses on development of various proteomic Technological Platforms and how persistent efforts of proteomics scientists have resulted in the First Draft of the Human Proteome.

    Next Generation Tools involving Trans-Proteomic Pipeline, SWATH-MS and Skyline have added to the arsenal of targeted proteomics. The proteomics community can contribute immensely to functional biology and offer innovative solutions in life sciences. Sustained and committed efforts from global proteomics communities like the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) has helped proteomics establish an undeniable international presence. This has helped define the broader theme of research directions, thus, “Translating the Code of Life”.

    Documentary created by Dr. Sanjeeva Srivastava and IIT Bombay Team 


  • 22 Jun 2016 11:09 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In the newly announced journal Impact Factor last week, we are pleased to see Clinical Proteomics received its impressive initial Impact Factor of 3.476. This puts Clinical Proteomics as one of nine proteomics journals that currently have official Impact Factors. Clinical Proteomics has special emphasis on promoting novel scientific research in the field of translational proteomics. This vision is in harmony with the theme of Human Proteome Organization (HUPO). For this reason, there were no surprises to see that Clinical Proteomics and HUPO have long shared members and journal board meetings have often taken place during the annual HUPO congresses. The Editor-in-chief of the Journal, Dr. Daniel Chan, is a founding member of HUPO and the recipient of the inaugural HUPO Translational proteomics Award. The editorial team includes many HUPO members and leaders, including Mark Baker, Christoph Borchers, Bruno Domon, Samir Hanash, Fuchu He, Stanley Hefta, Jacob Kagan, Jashua LaBaer, Gilbert Omenn, Young-Ki Paik, Akhilesh Pandey, Peipei Ping, Henry Rodriguez, Richard Semba, Michael Siu, Richard Smith, Mike Snyder, Sudhir Srivastava, Jennifer van Eyk, Marc Wilkins, Hui Zhang, and many others. Clinical Proteomics welcomes manuscript contributions by HUPO members and Human Proteome Project (HPP) contributors.

    “I am looking forward to working with you all at HUPO to promote clinical proteomics research and publications.” -Dr. Daniel Chan, Editor-in-chief, Clinical Proteomics
  • 01 Jun 2016 9:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Deadline: June 30, 2016

    The HPP is reaching out to clinical scientists or clinicians who are using or consider using proteomics for their research projects. HPP is supporting six (6) clinical scientists with a travel grant to attend the 2016 HUPO World Congress in Taipei, Taiwan that will take place from September 18-22, 2016.

    Travel grant recipients will receive USD $1,000 to offset travel and hotel costs in addition to complimentary congress registration.

    To learn more about applying for an HPP Clinical Scientist Travel Grant visit this page.

  • 04 May 2016 12:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Click on the link above to see the C-HPP Newsletter (no.5). In this annual report you will see the various activities of the C-HPP consortium members, news on future meetings, and related publications.

  • 29 Apr 2016 12:31 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    neXtProt has announced in their February 2016 release that its metrics for assigning proteins as protein evidence 1 (PE1) as part of the Human Proteome Project now align with those proposed by PeptideAtlas in September 2015.

    Our collaborators at neXtProt state:

    Entries whose protein(s) existence is based on evidence at the transcript level (PE2), homology (PE3) or a prediction (gene model; PE4) were previously upgraded to evidence at the protein level (PE1) if the entry had (i) 2 proteotypic peptides 7 or 8 amino acids in length or (ii) 1 peptide at least 9 aa coming from mass spectrometry experiments in neXtProt. This rule has been made more stringent so as to be in sync with the PeptideAtlas/HPP criteria for validating proteins using mass spectrometry data (i.e., at least 2 proteotypic peptides 9 aa in length or more which differ in at least 1 amino acid and which are not overlapping) are now required for the protein evidence to be upgraded to PE1.

    For more details click here.

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