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2024 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ELECTION - Slate of Candidates - Members-at-Large
There are eight candidates listed alphabetically by last name.  Two candidates are required to be selected.

Je-Yoel Cho

Professor, Seoul National University, College of Veterinary Medicine, South Korea

I am currently a professor in the Department of Biochemistry at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University, South Korea. I earned my PhD from Ohio State University, USA, and completed my postdoctoral training at the BIDMC Genomics Center, Harvard Medical School (2001-2003), where my journey in proteomics research began. My research in proteomics continued to be developed during my tenure as a professor at Kyungpook National University, Korea, from 2003 to 2011. I have had the privilege of serving in various leadership roles, including Secretary General of the Korean Human Proteome Organization (KHUPO) (2012-2013), 10th and 11th President of KHUPO (2018-2019; 2020-2021), council member of AOHUPO (2014-2025), and council member of HUPO (2018-2020, 2022-2024). As KHUPO President and Congress Chair, I successfully hosted the 10th AOHUPO 2021 conference in Busan, Korea.

Alongside Dr. Jin Han, I chaired the HUPO 2023 Busan conference, which was a resounding success, attracting over 1,300 participants. Currently, I lead the Chromosome #9 team in the international C-HPP. My research focuses on developing cancer biomarkers through glycoproteomics and plasma proteomics by both MS and affinity proteomics. A key approach in my lab involves comparative medicine between humans and companion animals in similar environments, which aids in the validation of various biomarkers using MRM and the further development of In Vitro Diagnostic-Multivariate Index Assays (IVD-MIA) for disease diagnosis and precision medicine

I have published over 170 papers in the field of proteomics and its applications to cancer and other biological research, with works featured in journals such as MCP, Sci Transl Med, Sci Adv, PNAS, and JPR. I believe my extensive experience as Congress Chair for HUPO 2023 Busan and the 10th AOHUPO, combined with my deep involvement in proteomics research, positions me well to contribute effectively as a HUPO Member-at-Large.

Stuart Cordwell

Professor of Analytical Biochemistry, The University of Sydney, Australia

I have been an active HUPO member for more than 10 years. I am the current Secretary-General of HUPO (2023-2024), serving on the Executive Committee, and am Chair of the Working Groups for HUPO Ambassadors and for the EMCR International Exchange Program. I also led efforts to provide a financial policy and procedure for HUPO that was ratified in 2024.

I am committed to a HUPO that embraces diversity and inclusion, and have a long track record of successfully mentoring early career researchers. I was the President of the Australasian Proteomics Society from 2015-2020, and the Co-Chair (with Peter Hoffmann) of the HUPO World Congress held in Adelaide in 2019. I have been involved in the organizing committees of several additional HUPO meetings, and am a member of the Core Organizing Committee for Toronto 2025. I was Vice-President of Asia-Oceania HUPO from 2020-2022.

I am Professor of Analytical Biochemistry in the Faculties of Science and Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney (Australia) and my entire career has been in proteomics research. My research interests lie in understanding virulence associated with human bacterial pathogens, and the role played by post-translational modifications in pathogenesis.

I am strongly committed to proteomics education, having established the first undergraduate 'proteomics' course in Australia; each year training 70-80 final year undergraduates in hands-on proteomics and multi-omics science. I also appreciate the critical role played by core facilities in providing excellent proteomics services, having acted in the role of Academic Director for Sydney Mass Spectrometry since 2014. If elected, I look forward to continuing to work with the proteomics community to provide an exciting future for HUPO, with more opportunities for young researchers, engaging further in collaboration with our Industry partners and in disseminating the possibilities of proteomics with scientists and clinicians from across the world.

Tiannan Guo 

Tenured Associate Professor, Westlake University, China

Hello, colleagues! I'm Tiannan Guo from Westlake University. I started in clinical medicine, transitioned into proteomics, and now integrate AI into my research. As a Tenured Associate Professor leading a team of 50, I'm honored to apply for the position of Member-at-Large in the Executive Committee of HUPO.

From 2021 to 2023, I served as a Council Member at HUPO, contributing to the Marketing and Outreach Committee and co-founded the Education and Training Committee (ETC). Notably, we launched HUPO's WeChat platform, which now has over 1,700 followers and 65,000 views. We also initiated a webinar series attracting over 30,000 viewers.

We generate proteomic big data and apply AI to understand the complexity of the spatial and temporal dynamics of proteomes. We also work on clinical translation of the proteomics discoveries, technologies and AI models, facilitating disease diagnosis, treatment and drug discovery. We've made strides in the clinical translation of proteomics technologies and contributed to HPP's Grand Challenge Project and the Pi-Hub project by organizing symposiums and conferences.

I also serve as an Associate Editor for MCP, advice for Cell Reports Medicine, and Proteomics, and am on the Editorial Board of Scientific Data and Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics.

If elected, I aim to:

  1. Foster technology advancements, scientific discoveries, and clinical translations within the HUPO community.
  2. Enhance international collaborations in the Grand Challenge Project and Pi-Hub project.
  3. Support the growth of next-generation scientists and attract talented young students.
  4. Promote clinical translation of proteomics and increase clinician participation in HUPO.
  5. Establish a sub-committee for AI proteomics under BD-HPP.

Thank you for considering my application.

Fuchu He 

Professor and Director, Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, International Academy of Phronesis Medicine (Guangdong), National Center for Protein Sciences Beijing, State Key Laboratory of Medical Proteomics, China

Dr. Fuchu He has been an active supporter of HUPO on the global stage.  For over 20 years, as an inaugural council member of HUPO, EC/SAB member of HPP, inaugural chair of HLPP, president of AOHUPO and founder of CNHUPO, he has devoted himself to advancing proteomics in biomedical research and fostering international scientific cooperation. He played a key role in the formation of HUPO and helped launch the HUPO HPP initiative in 2002. He initiated HLPP with 17 members, which was remarkably applauded by Nature and Science. He has successfully organized 15 international conferences, including the 3rd HUPO Congress, the 6th AOHUPO Congress and Nature Conference: Life science in the age of big data. His contributions were recognized by HUPO with the "Memorial Investigation Award" in 2004, "Distinguished Service Award" in 2011 and "Distinguished Achievement in Proteomic Sciences" in 2020.

He has been the major driving force behind China's progress in proteomics. He founded CNHUPO, Beijing Proteome Research Center, Institutes of Biomedical Sciences in Fudan University and State Key Laboratory of Medical Proteomics. He was the biggest proponent for establishing the National Center for Protein Sciences?Beijing-PHOENIX.

As a visionary leader in scientific projects, he set the scientific path for the Chinese HPP(CNHPP), focusing on using proteome to understand physiological and pathological conditions in the human body. His team successfully stratified early hepatocarcinoma(HCC) into 3 proteomic subtypes associated with clinical outcomes, identified, and validated new therapeutic candidates for HCC, paving the way for Proteomics-Driven Precision Medicine(PDPM) as a promising new approach to healthcare.

Dr. He is now fully dedicated to scientific research and the Pi-HuB project. It is important to have enthusiastic and experienced leaders like him to drive big-science projects forward. With his efforts, it's exciting to see how HUPO will continue to evolve into a new era.

Mathieu Lavallée-Adam 

Associate Professor, University of Ottawa, Canada

As an early career researcher, my efforts within HUPO focused on creating training and networking opportunities for early career researchers and showcasing their work. As a Member-at-Large of the HUPO Executive Committee, I now intend to concentrate my efforts on three aspects of HUPO's mission: 1) global health and wellness, 2) fostering international collaborations, and 3) improving inclusivity. I will work towards building bridges across national societies, clinicians, and researchers embracing a One Health research perspective that acknowledges human health is impacted by its environment, which can be investigated using proteomics.

My track-record highlights my ability to lead new initiatives within our community. I have been Co-Chair of the HUPO Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee with Ruth Huttenhain for the last 4 years. Under our tenure, the HUPO ECR Committee has grown more diverse and now represents all continents. In this role, I have spearheaded the creation of a new Rising Star Award, recognizing a diverse range of contributions to our field, including industrial and educational ones. I have also led the foundation of a new governance structure for the HUPO ECR Committee to ensure its longevity and the expansion of its activities. This expansion included the launch of an online seminar series to provide ECRs with mentoring activities year-round, the establishment of a recurring networking reception for ECRs during the HUPO World Congress, and, in collaboration with the Human Proteome Project, the construction of a 3-minute thesis competition taking place at the Congress. I have also served on the HUPO Executive Committee as ECR Representative and on HUPO Working Groups addressing a strategic review of HUPO, updating its mission statement, and establishing ambassador and international exchange programs.

Finally, as Co-Chair of the HUPO 2025 World Congress, I look forward to building a conference that will work towards fulfilling HUPO's mission.

Khatereh Motamedchaboki

Senior Global Product Marketing Manager, Translational Research, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA

I am a protein chemist with over 20 years of research experience in the field of proteomics and multi-omics. Currently, I hold the position of Senior Global Product Marketing, Translational Research at Thermo Fisher Scientific. Prior to this, I served as the Director of the NCI-designated Proteomics Core at Sanford Burnham Preby's from 2006 to 2016.

Throughout my career, I have also held senior product and technical marketing roles at Seer, Sciex, and Thermo Fisher Scientific. I take pride in my contributions to the successful launch of various proteomics and metabolomics products and workflows. These experiences have provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the proteomics field and its evolving needs.

In addition to my scientific and industry professional accomplishments, I currently serve as the chair of the HUPO Industrial Advisory Board and Technological Advancement Sessions for the term 2023-2025. This role has allowed me to work closely with academic and industry leaders, further deepening my passion for HUPO and its mission to advance the field of human proteomics.

I am committed to shaping the future of proteomics and its integration with other omics data to improve human health. As of HUPO member at large, I will collaborate with the rest of the executive committee to ensure the highest impact of this organization in the field of human proteomics, enabling better health outcomes for all.

Thank you for considering my nomination, and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to HUPO's important mission and vision.

Suman Thakur

Principal Scientist, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India

I am passionate about mass spectrometry bases proteomics and its application in basic and clinical science including understanding of cancer progression and its therapeutics. My research interests are advancement of proteomics technologies including single run, single cell and comprehensive proteomics, to find novel targets for cancer and diabetes using biomarker discovery and protein-protein interactions. Earlier, I had contributed in the development of single run technology in year 2011. Currently, I am associate editor in BB Reports and editorial board member of BBA Protein and Proteomics, Scientific Reports. I was also associated with Journal of Proteome Research (JPR) as its editorial board member and guest editor for the special issue on "Proteomics and its applications in pandemic disease" in JPR issue of November 2020 that had a collection of proteomics and metabolomics related article on COVID-19. Further, I had also got chance to bring a special issue entitled "Proteomics and its application in Endocrine disorders" as guest editor in BBA Protein and Proteomics containing a collection of endocrine disease in year 2021.

Furthermore, as guest associate editor and topic editor with myself along with my colleagues had chance to bring a special issue entitled "Proteomics and its application in cancer" in Frontiers in Oncology in 2021. I had organized a proteomics brainstorm meeting with national and international speaker in year 2014 at Hyderabad, India as convener.

I am a member of HUPO family. Further, I am also life member of Proteomics society of India and earlier had chance to be Executive council member of Proteomics society of India from year 2014 to 2019. I believe HUPO can play a great role in development of proteomics as platform for large scale studies in basic and clinical research and play an important role in the service of mankind. I would be very happy to be a part of executive committee of HUPO and like to take forward the mandate of HUPO and proteomics. 

Catherine Chiu Lan Wong

Professor/Executive Deputy Director, State Key Laboratory of Complex, Severe and Rare Diseases, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, China

Professor Catherine CL Wong serves as the Executive Deputy Director of the State Key Laboratory of Complex, Severe and Rare Diseases at Peking Union Medical College Hospital and Chairman of the Board & CEO of Foreseen Biotechnology. She also holds an honorary professorship at the Faculty of Biology, Medicine, and Health at the University of Manchester, and is the Vice Chairman of the China HUPO Committee.

With expertise in fundamental mass spectrometry in physical-chemistry, her research focuses on developing cutting-edge technologies and methods in MS and proteomics, with an emphasis on developing disease biomarkers, decoding disease mechanisms, and establishing a closed-loop research model of the discovery novel markers and drug targets. This achievement has been fully demonstrated in the new FIC ADC drug FS001.  Another big contribution of her pipeline is that she successfully reducing the traditional pharmaceutical development timeline from 10-17 years to 3-5 years. The multinational pharmaceutical company Ipsen was granted an exclusive license by Foreseen in 2024 to develop, manufacture, and commercialize FS001, the FIC ADC drug. This transaction holds a potential total value of US $1.03 billion.

She has published over 100 articles in high-impact international journals such as Nature Metabolism (2023, 5, 1236-1251), eBioMedicine (2023, 98, 104851), Nature Cell Biology (2021, 23, 664-675), Nature Communications (2020, 11, 5859), and Cell (2020, 182, 855-871) etc. with total citations exceeding 8000 and an H-index of 46. 

In 2014, she was selected into the "Outstanding Technical Talent Introduction Program" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The research project she led was selected as one of the "Top 10 Advances in Life Sciences in China" and "Important Medical Advances" by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in 2020. She was awarded the Bayer Prize in 2021. In 2024, She received the HUPO Clinical and Translational Proteomics Sciences Award.

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